Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Joe Biden Lashes Out at CNN Reporter for Challenging Him on Putin Meeting

Joe Biden Lashes Out at CNN Reporter for Challenging Him on Putin Meeting
Brodigan - June 16, 2021 at 01:45PM

There is a reason why so many of us believe the "conspiracy theory" that they're keeping Joe Biden away from the press. Unless everything is planned out and scripted. Here's exhibit Q. Kaitlan Collins is a reporter for CNN. Not for Fox News or BlazeTV. CNN. A FRIENDLY news network. Collins asked Biden a spontaneous question about whether he trusts Vladimir Putin to change or do anything asked of him. You know, because he's Vladimir Putin. Watch how Biden responded.

COLLINS: Mr. President, how confident are you that you can trust Putin? You know, what with him being a liar who has done and gotten away with all these horrible things for years.

BIDEN: You need to calm down. Who gave you permission to speak? You're in the wrong business, lady. Maybe if you didn't work so hard you could get yourself a husband and you wouldn't have to leave the house.

That's my sarcastic take on what Biden said. But here's the funny thing. Had Donald Trump answered the question the exact way Biden did, my sarcastic answer would be how the media reported Trump's comment. Yes, on CNN. We have hours upon hours of how Donald Trump hates women and mansplained to a reporter. Here? I'll be surprised if it airs anywhere other than on Fox News. Which will be the only way Brian Stelter knows it happened.

This wasn't even the first time Biden has lashed out at a reporter this trip.

The sad thing is that Collins asked a great question. An obvious question that any reporter should be asking any president who meets with Putin. It's the exact question Donald Trump would have been asked. CNN would have devoted its entire prime-time lineup to complaining about his answer.

Instead, that's just Joe Biden. Kaitlan Collins is probably getting yelled at by her supervisers as we speak.

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