Friday, June 11, 2021

Brian Stelter Writes Book About Fox News, Goes on MSNBC, Claims Fox News Is Obsessed with HIM

Brian Stelter Writes Book About Fox News, Goes on MSNBC, Claims Fox News Is Obsessed with HIM
Brodigan - June 11, 2021 at 12:59PM

Brian Stelter isn't only a genderless potato head. He's a genderless potato head with a mind-blowing lack of self-awareness. Our dude exists to watch Fox News and be a whiny little bitch about it on CNN. It's all he does. Other than inhale entire boxes of jelly donuts at a single sitting. Telling his dwindling audience that Fox News is the biased news network. He even wrote a book about it. It's called Burn Book: Why Tucker and Hannity are Poopheads or something. Stelter went on MSNBC to promote his book attacking Fox News. Where Stelter, a CNN guy, told MSNBC that Fox News is obsessed with him. In this specific instance, Fox News criticizing Brian Stelter for asking Jen Psaki if he could wipe Biden's ass for him sometime.

MSNBC: What was your first thought when you saw Fox News being mean to you for slobbering over Jen Psaki?

STELTER: I was like "Why are you so obsessed with me?"

MSNBC: You wrote a book about Fox News being fake news. But to be fair, you do work with Jim Acosta --

STELTER: I know he's kind of socially retarded and weird, but he's my friend.

MSNBC: And Chris Cuomo --

STELTER: I gave him everything! I was half a virgin when I met him.

MNSBC: Don't you think it's a little ... ironic ... for a CNN host to write about another cable news channel sucking?

STELTER: Whatever loser, I'm getting cheese fries.

You really have to appreciate everything going on in this video. A CNN spud wrote a book about Fox News, goes on Fox News to promote his book about Fox News, where he complains on MSNBC about Fox News making fun of something he said on CNN. If it wasn't for cable news, cable news would have nothing to talk about. More proof cable news is a failed and useless medium that only makes people stupider. You all should be getting your information from blogs anyway.

As for Brian Stelter, he's proved on to his project. Doxing the people who watch Tucker Carlson's show instead of his and ask each one of them why they hate him so much. That's of course sarcasm, but be honest. If you gave Stelter a spreadsheet of addresses, he'd borrow one of Jeff Zucker's private planes and show up at your front door. Crying.

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