Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Anti-Cop Protesters Hold Liberal Councilwoman 'Hostage' Until She Signs List of Demands

Anti-Cop Protesters Hold Liberal Councilwoman 'Hostage' Until She Signs List of Demands
Brodigan - June 29, 2021 at 10:00AM

What we have here is a literal orgy of left-on-left action. The battleground is Minneapolis, Ground Zero for the left's anti-cop movement for some reason or other. Our players are Donald Hooker, lead activist, who tells the story through his Facebook livestream. Donald's minions. And Councilwoman Andrea Jenkins. According to Wikipedia, Jeninks is the "first black openly transgender woman elected to public office in the United States." You couldn't book a battle royal that covered every progressive stereotype like this if you tried.

There was some kind of "Justice for the Guy with the Face" rally that Donald appears to be in charge of. Councilwoman Jenkins showed up for a photo op and to claim to be an ally. Hooker asked her what she's done for the cause lately. Jenkins got in Hooker's face. Hooker told Jenkins to calm down. Jenkins realized she was expected to do more than just spit talking points and tried to flee in her car. This is where Hooker's minions come in, blocking the car until Jenkins agreed to sign a list of demands.

I high recommend watching Donald's entire 22-minute video just for yuks. But I understand you're busy people, so here are two shorter clips. We see the transgender councilwoman is presented the list of leftist activist demands. She signs the list of demands, presented to her by leftist activists. The transgender councilwoman then accused the leftist activists of being white supremacists, even though our friend Donald has the same shade of melanin she does.

The only thing missing is the councilwoman screaming "I'm Andrea Jenkins, bitch" as she speeds away.

It's hard to take sides when everyone involved is so utterly unlikeable. But if I was forced to choose, I can kinda see Hooker and the Minions' point. Kidnapping is never the answer. But if you're an activist out on the streets doing activist things and you have elected officials pandering to your every need, you might expect them to back up your words and actions at some point. A lot of the activists we've seen over the past year have gone back to their parents' house to unpause their video games. But for the holdouts, I can see them expecting a councilwoman to actually do something.

Donald and the Minions believing the chicken-scratched document they had signed is a legally binding document just adds to the comedy of the situation. Excellent work by everyone! Take a bow.

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