Sunday, June 27, 2021

Anti-Ron DeSantis Meltdowns Have Begun on TikTok and This Woman Needs to Calm Down

Anti-Ron DeSantis Meltdowns Have Begun on TikTok and This Woman Needs to Calm Down
Brodigan - June 27, 2021 at 07:41AM

Marching orders have been given out. America's Governor Ron DeSantis has been swinging around too much big DeSantis energy. Leftists need to take him down a notch. Or, "try" to take him down a notch. Feckless celebrities have been activated to do their part. There's also a highly contagious strain of DeSantis Derangement Syndrome running wild on TikTok like it was Hulkamania in the 80s. Take this dame, who needs to calm down over DeSantis's recent "education reforms."

The inability of leftists to control their emotions when someone has an opposing viewpoint has been well established. Usually when they find themselves in a position where they "can't even," they whip out their smartphone and spontaneously vent. This specimen scripted something. She blocked out a scene!

Our friend here positioned her camera. Decided how she was going to storm into the room. How hard she was going to slam the door. What direction to fling her purse. This was all premeditated. She needs to work on her dialogue though. If you're going to go through so much trouble, at least have someone write a monologue or a witty catchphrase. Something that can be turned into a hashtag.

I also want to know if she worked with a director and if there are more "spontaneous" meltdowns coming.

"Okay, in this scene you just found out Ron DeSantis supports girls' sports on the first day of June. You're angry, but internally you're conflicted. Show me that."

DeSantis is already causing angry progressive boo-boo faces just by having conservatives say nice things about him. Imagine when he finally announces, "yeah, I'm running for president."

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