Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Dane Carvey Nails Epic Biden Impersonation, Mocking Feeble-Minded Biden's Confusion Over Saying 'Words'

Dane Carvey Nails Epic Biden Impersonation, Mocking Feeble-Minded Biden's Confusion Over Saying 'Words'
Brodigan - June 15, 2021 at 12:27PM

Stephen Colbert made his return to a live audience Monday night. The "comedian" had been sheltered for the past sixteen months plus fifteen days, but made his triumphant return to his studio. To mark the occasion, Colbert for some reason wanted to remind his audience how unfunny he is by surrounding himself with people who are funny. You've no doubt seen Jon Stewart trending today for his epic lab theory bit. But Dana Carvey was also on the show as "Joe Biden." He's done the impersonation before. But this was in full costume.

Lab-Leak Theory: BASED Jon Stewart VS COWARDLY Stephen Colbert | Louder With Crowder youtu.be

from Steven Crowder Says