Sunday, June 27, 2021

Bill Maher UNLOADS Over Big Tech Suppressing Vital Medical Information (You Know What Kind)

Bill Maher UNLOADS Over Big Tech Suppressing Vital Medical Information (You Know What Kind)
Brodigan - June 27, 2021 at 08:38AM

Bill Maher is a rant away from saying "f*ck it" and putting on a MAGA hat. His point here is so valid, to further illustrate it I need to be very careful with what words I use to do so. You most likely (hopefully) found this post on Facebook, and, you know. His anger started over a theory that something may have leaked out of a lab. A theory that Facebook and Google only now decided we're allowed to read about. For all his faults (and there is a multitude of them) Maher has always been solid when it comes to anything First Amendment or First Amendment-adjacent.

[Gooogle says] "we want to make sure that the search isn't leading people down pathways that we would find to be not authoritative information." Well, you were wrong. The reason why we want you is cause we're checking on this sh*t!

"We want to ensure that the first thing users see is information from the CDC and the WHO." That's who I'm checking on. The WHO has been very corrupt about a lot of sh*t and the CDC has been wrong about a lot of sh*t. This is outrageous that I can't look this information up."

Side note: When Republicans held the White House and the Senate and had the power to do something about Big Tech, they didn't. That needs to be repeated at every opportunity before they start campaigning "vote for us and we'll do something about Big Tech" again. Tweets and hearings don't count.

The most insane part comes in the letters "CDC" and "WHO." Trust "the science" is a popular slogan from leftists. The leftists working in Big Tech say it themselves. The Democrats who want Big Tech to stop what they call "misinformation" talk about "the science" a lot. Americans are told that certain information is being made difficult to be found or deleted off of platforms because it's not sciencey enough. We're being protected by non-sciencey information for our own good. The people making these decisions over what is and isn't "the science" are basing it off of ... two government bureaucracies.

The government is telling us what is and isn't "the science." Big Tech is throttling information based on that. If you can't see the problem there, try to figure it out before it happens again.

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from Steven Crowder Says