Friday, June 11, 2021

Black Mother Gives Powerful Testimony to School Board: Critical Race Theory IS Racism

Black Mother Gives Powerful Testimony to School Board: Critical Race Theory IS Racism
Brodigan - June 11, 2021 at 11:43AM

If you think back to 2020, leftists told us we needed to amplify black voices. Methinks they're beginning to regret doing so. Too many people are using their black voice to disagree with progressives' latest scheme to indoctrinate our kids. Where starting in grade school, they want to isolate children by the color of their skin and lecture that one's entire life is dictated by skin color. In the '60s when Democrats controlled the South, it was called racism. As Keisha King here points out, these days Democrats call it critical race theory.

It is sad that we are even contemplating something like Critical Race Theory, where children will be separated by their skin color and deemed permanently oppressors or oppressed in 2021. ...

CRT is not racial sensitivity, or simply teaching unfavorable American history, or teaching Jim Crow history. CRT is deeper and more dangerous than that ... telling my child or any child that they are in a permanent oppressed status in America because they are black is racist, and saying that white people are automatically above me, my children, or any child is racist as well.

Yeah, but an elitist white lady wrote a book that gave other white elitists an opportunity to signal their virtues. Many of those white elitists run the media and the Democrat Party. And here we are.

This was the same Florida state board meeting America's Governor Ron DeSantis spoke at, and the board voted to reject CRT. The teachers' unions and a smattering of students disagreed. Which, as someone who survived Marxism when it was called Marxism recently pointed out, manipulating the youth is part of the plan. That also explains why the unions think telling white kids they'rre racist by age five is "teaching history."

Good job, Florida. Now let' see other states follow your lead.

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