Friday, June 11, 2021

Biden Administration Can't Define What a 'Birthing Person' Is, Defends It in Biden's Budget Anyway

Biden Administration Can't Define What a 'Birthing Person' Is, Defends It in Biden's Budget Anyway
Brodigan - June 11, 2021 at 09:29AM

2021 is the year we were introduced to the term "birthing people." In the bygone era of 2020, a birthing person was commonly referred to as "mother" or even "woman." But Joe Biden erased women from his budget when he made "birthing people" his new thing. Some are still confused as to what exactly a "birthing person" is and why it's no longer a mother. You would think the secretary of HEALTH and Human Services secretary would know. Pregnancy would fall under his jurisdiction, regardless of what human lifeform is having the baby. But Xavier Becerra looks just as confused as we are. Or, he's just an idiot. You be the judge.

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