Thursday, June 24, 2021

Teacher has Meltdown Over State Law Preventing Her from Indoctrinating Your Kids

Teacher has Meltdown Over State Law Preventing Her from Indoctrinating Your Kids
Brodigan - June 24, 2021 at 07:30AM

All across America, parents are giving school boards an earful. They are unhappy with the rebranded -isms partisan teachers are trying to indoctrinate their children with. Parents feel it's critical that certain theories not get pushed on children. But while we've heard from parents, we've yet to hear an opposing viewpoint from teachers. Here's one who disagrees with the parents. Also, the state of Texas for telling her she can't force her politics on children. (h/t PJ Media)

Today is the first time our country has recognized Juneteenth as a national holiday and yet I'm getting ready to go back to school in the fall and my governor has put into place some ridiculous legislation that many governors across the country have put in place such as I can't teach anything divisive, I can't teach cr*t*cal r*ce th**ry, and I can't teach about racial equity.

This "teacher's" complaint is a common one I'm hearing from leftist ninnys. Let's explain.

Juneteenth = fact. It's an actual thing that happened. A historical event when the last slaves were finally freed.

"Equity" and the other thing = this idiot's opinion. Teachers aren't supposed to teach their opinion. They're supposed to teach facts. Now, I could allow that maybe, in a perfect world, there should be a robust debate about some of these issues where all voices are allowed to be heard. Maybe even find some common ground. The rub there is teachers who want to push their agenda on students also tend to not allow for other opinions to be heard. Only theirs and the opinions that agree with theirs. Hence, the law that was passed.

Sounds like someone needs to calm down and/or find another job. I hear plenty are available these days.

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