Wednesday, June 2, 2021

SHOW NOTES: FAUCI THE FRAUD! Emails Expose Fauci's COVID Corruption

SHOW NOTES: FAUCI THE FRAUD! Emails Expose Fauci's COVID Corruption
Brodigan - June 02, 2021 at 09:16AM

#FauciEmails are trending, and we're doing a DEEP dive into them. HINT: Everything you thought about him was right. Also, Kamala Harris embarrassed herself with a Memorial Day tweet. A California girl fought a bear. And liberals think the American dream is dead? We explain why they're idiots.



  • BuzzFeed News and the Washington Post filed Freedom of Information Act lawsuits for Fauci's emails from January to June 2020. Here's what some of them say.
  • GAIN OF FUNCTION: Fauci, the director of the NIAID, didn't know if the NIH had ties to gain-of-function research abroad. The email, sent to Fauci from NIAID Principal Deputy Director Hugh Auchincloss, reads: "The paper you sent me says the experiments were performed before the gain of function pause but have since been reviewed and approved by NIH. Not sure what that means since Emily is sure that no Coronavirus work has gone through the P3 framework. She will try to determine if we have any distant ties to this work abroad."

  • MASKS/VACCINES: On February 5, 2020, Fauci wrote to Sylvia Burwell about the inefficacy of masks. But more interesting is the focus on vaccines: "Money is best spent on medical countermeasures such as diagnostics and vaccines."

  • On April 3, 2020, expressed his enthusiasm about collaborating with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on the COVID-19 response, writing: "As I had mentioned to Bill yesterday evening, I am enthusiastic about moving towards a collaborative and hopefully synergistic approach to COVID-19 on the part of NIAID/NIH, BARDA and the BMGF [Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation]."

  • Fauci is also a member of the Bill and Melinda Gates Decade of Vaccines Leadership Council. SOURCE: Gates Foundation
  • As reported by Axios in June 2020, the NIH owns intellectual property used by Moderna in the development of the COVID vaccine. SOURCE: Axios
  • This claim is backed up by comments made in June 2020 by NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins. SOURCE: YouTube


  • People will claim the American dream is dead, and that's why so many Millennials are struggling. SOURCES: KTVU, YouTube, CBS News, The Hill, YouTube
  • Baby Boomers were a bigger portion of the population. They have more wealth because there are more of them.
    • Detroit had the highest per capita income in 1950. SOURCE: MICapCon
    • This wealth is because Baby Boomers had more factory workers and manufacturing jobs.
      • In 1990, about 50% of manufacturing employees were ages 21-36. SOURCE: Business Insider
      • Compared to just 24%-28% in 2017.
    • Baby Boomers were also more frugal. They went on fewer vacations, didn't eat out a lot. SOURCE: Yahoo
    • Life expectancy for men was 70. SOURCE: Berkeley
  • What could cause Millennials to have less wealth?
    • In 2015, 40% of Millennials were unemployed. SOURCE: CNBC
    • And COVID made it worse. About 5.6M more Millennials became unemployed from February to April 2020. SOURCE: StLouisFed
    • This isn't for lack of jobs. Millennials just don't want to do the jobs available to them.
    • As many as 2.1 million manufacturing jobs will be unfulfilled through 2030, one of the most significant worker shortages in American history, despite relatively high unemployment from the pandemic. SOURCES: NAM, NBC
    • The shortage could cost $1 trillion by 2030 and is forcing companies to automate. SOURCE: CNBC
    • Many of the unfulfilled jobs include computer numerical control machinists, welders, and maintenance technicians, which pay, on average: SOURCES: ZipRecruiter, ZipRecruiter, ZipRecruiter
      • WELDING: $80K/year
      • NUMERICAL CONTROL MACHINISTS: About $45K at the entry level.
      • MAINTENANCE TECHNICIANS: About $40K a year at the entry level.
    • And would only cost as little as $5,000 to reach certification through trade school. SOURCES: MidwestTech
  • Average salaries of people with degrees in art or social sciences come out to around $30K-$40K, but with much higher unemployment rates post-college. SOURCE:
    • The unemployment rate for political science degrees is over 11%, compared to a $43K average salary. SOURCE: KStateCollegian
    • Not to mention the enormous cost of student debt, $1.7 trillion. SOURCE: CNBC
    • Students with a lot of debt made bad choices that got them into that position. Majors like education, art history, ethnic studies aren't high-earning fields, but they require a lot of student loans.
    • The majors with the highest earnings-to-debt ratio are STEM degrees. SOURCE: Infogram
    • And anywhere from 20%-50% of students enter school as "undecided," and most end up changing their major! SOURCE: PennState
    • Compare that to trade school, which provides 70% less debt and twice the job placement for similar or HIGHER starting salaries. SOURCES: SimpleDollar, BusinessInsider

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