Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Five #FauciEmails Exposing Truth on Masks, Lab Leaks, and Trump Being RIGHT

Five #FauciEmails Exposing Truth on Masks, Lab Leaks, and Trump Being RIGHT
Brodigan - June 02, 2021 at 07:08AM

The Washington Post obtained a treasure trove of Anthony Fauci emails and made them public. The spin is to highlight how this brave bureaucrat navigated the early days of the pandemic against all odds. Ironically enough, right after it was announced that Anthony Fauci is releasing a book about being a brave bureaucrat against all odds. Imagine that!

There are close to a thousand pages of emails, and you can count on the usual suspects to circle the wagons to protect Pope Tony from any criticism. Fauci is still protected under Facebook's "Independent" "Fact" checking racket that prevented discussion of the lab leak theory. So these are just five emails that caught my eye. Feel free to draw your own conclusions. I will say this though. Courtney, my editor, was right about Fauci all along.

We start with masks. President Maskity Mask Mask was fond of telling people masking up was their patriotic duty. Anthony Fauci? "The typical mask you buy at the drug store is not really effective at keeping out the virus, which is small enough to pass through the material."

Also, remember how the federal government told us that social distancing was mandated? Or how everything they told us to do was just until we got a vaccine? Fauci: "Social distancing is not really geared to wait for a vaccine. States and localities make these decisions, not federal government."

Near the beginning of the pandemic, Donald Trump suggested hydroxychloroquine as a possible treatment. The media mocked him for it and tried to tie him to a murder investigation. Turns out, Trump was listening to the same experts Fauci was in communication with. Physicist Erik Nielsen told Fauci in March 2020 he found the drug to be "effective and safe." Fauci stood by and said nothing when his friends in the media went on the attack.

Here's an email about masks that was completely redacted for some reason. When government documents are obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), they tend to only redact things for national security reasons. Someone's take on "mask-wearing across varying scenarios"? M'kay ...

Then we have the "Wuhan Lab Leak Theory" that Facebook says we can talk about now. January 2020: Fauci is informed about the theory. April 2020: Fauci is thanked for downplaying the theory. Also at this time, Facebook started censoring people from posting about it. May 2021 (first half): Fauci gets snippy with Rand Paul when challenged on it. May 2021 (second half): Fauci says there could be something to the theory. Also at this time, one year later, Facebook deems this no longer a conspiracy theory.

There are close to a thousand emails. These are just the ones that stuck out for me. I highly suggested you peruse them while you still can to see what you find. It's only a matter of time before Big Tech sees Pope Tony is taking too many hits and starts blocking people.

All we can do now is wait for the inevitable Senate hearing with Rand Paul. I would give anything to see the senator's reaction this morning. Or a Rocky-style montage of Rand preparing to put his foot up Fauci's ass.

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