Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Biden Admin Plans to Pay Central America So People Won't Illegally Cross Our Border

Biden Admin Plans to Pay Central America So People Won't Illegally Cross Our Border
Brodigan - June 01, 2021 at 07:21AM

Joe Biden dropped his enormous, biggest-since-World-War-II budget on Friday. Yes, the day before a three-day weekend. Yes, most likely hoping that people wouldn't read it. Expect all sorts of fun things to be exposed this week that Biden wants to spend your tax dollars on and claim he's not going to raise your taxes for. Though one budget line did leak before everyone peaced out for the weekend. Close to a billion dollars to Central America to pay them to stop people from illegally crossing our border.

The administration plans to provide $861 million in federal aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico in order to "address the root causes of irregular migration," according to the proposed budget for 2022. Vice President Kamala Harris asked private sector companies to "make new, significant commitments" to create sustainable economic opportunities aimed at ending the migration crisis at the southern border on Thursday, according to the White House.

This was floated to as a trial balloon two months ago. The plan is to address the "root cause of illegal migration." Even though the root cause of our border crisis is Joe Biden saying "donde esta open border amigos!" Or, if you ask Nancy Pelosi, climate change 'n' Trump.

Think about this. And I understand $861 million in the budget is the equivalent of finding a five-dollar bill in the laundry. That's a whole other problem. We're told a major part of the "root cause" of why people come here illegally is to flee poverty and corruption in their home countries. Our solution to this is ... to give the corrupt government causing their people to live in poverty a canvas sack of AMERICAN TAXPAYER money with a dollar sign on it. I'm as sure that the Biden admin will claim there are conditions to this money as I am there will be no consequences after the countries getting the money say, "lol, suckers."

Separate from the budget, I'm curious what the private sector making "new and significant commitments" to create economic opportunities means. It sounds like outsourcing. Which, if a company DID outsource to Central America, the unions that control Biden would be the first to demand those companies have tax breaks taken away.

If you want to address the true root cause of illegal immigration, address us not being allowed to enforce border laws that are already on the books. The border crisis can be addressed with four words: You can't come in.

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