Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Pabst Blue Ribbon Forced Into Apology When Their Twitter Account Said 'Try Eating A**' Instead of Dry January

Pabst Blue Ribbon Forced Into Apology When Their Twitter Account Said 'Try Eating A**' Instead of Dry January
Brodigan - January 04, 2022 at 08:21AM

Social media was either a mistake or the greatest thing to ever happen. It all depends on the fallout you have to deal with. Pabst Blue Ribbon started 2022 with a YUGE social media scandal. Legal was forced to issue an apology for a tweet that wound up on their official account. And I quote: "We apologize about the language and content of our recent tweets. The tweets in question were written in poor judgment by one of our associates. In no way does the content of these tweets reflect the values of Pabst and our Associates. We’re handling the matter internally and have removed the tweets from our social platforms."

The tweet in question?

It's not the worst ad campaign we've seen. Though there have been much better viral tweets.

"Twitter for iPhone" makes me think the person who has the keys to PBR's Twitter account perhaps had one too many PBR's. It's also why when I was given the keys to Twitter accounts, I would dedicate an app just for work that wouldn't be easily accessable on my phone. Ever since the time I almost sunk a mayoral race by making a joke about a midget. But that's a story for a different time.

"Dry January" is the practice of not drinking booze for the first month of the new year. PBR had a campaign called "Wet January" to encourage people to throw back beer instead. This tweet, I think, was the start of that. Unfortunately, it's been deleted as is all the tweets of the PBR account mixing it up with fans.

That didn't stop Twitter from having jokes.

If your new year's resolution was to land a job as social media czar/advocate/guru/evangelist/whatever other self-important word you use, there may be a job opening in the alcohol sales and distribution industry. However you decide to celebrate January, whether it be a 30-day break from the sauce or crushing beers as if your life depended on it, we can all agree, it won't be with PBR. Saying PBR "tastes like a**" is too easy of a joke. I'll just say it tastes like if you threw a handful of pennies in a glass of water a swished it around.

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