Monday, January 31, 2022

Watch: Fed Up Old Lady Stops Shoplifter From Leaving With Shop Cart Full of Merchandise

Watch: Fed Up Old Lady Stops Shoplifter From Leaving With Shop Cart Full of Merchandise
Brodigan - January 31, 2022 at 10:01AM

Liberal policies have led to criminals deciding stealing stuff beats paying for stuff. We see these videos over and over again. Hoodlums walking out of stores with handfuls of stolen merchandise. All while security guards do nothing and famous people record it happening. A thief in British Columbia thought he could get away with not paying for a loaded shopping cart full of stuff. Instead, he met this old broad. Let's call her Based Betty.

Based Betty has seen this happening. She's watched it on the news. And Based Betty has had enough.

I award this video the rare 11/10 as far as content goes. You have a private citizen who gets fed up and takes matters into her own hands. The thief not only has his thieving ways stopped but he gets stopped by someone's grandma. Imagine being such a pathetic excuse of soy that you get overpowered by someone's MeeMaw. If Based Betty wasn't so proper, she may have screamed at the guy, "go run away like the little bitch you are."

But what puts the video over the edge is Based Betty lecturing the thug while she's fighting crime. As the guy runs out of the store in embarrassment, Based Betty yells at him, "You're making things more expensive for the rest of us."

Three cheers to Based Betty. I hope she's being rewarded for her heroism. She'll probably bring freshly baked cookies if she is.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

Totally REAL Opioids Commercial! Sponsored by Big Pharma! | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says

Elementary Principal Arrested for Sexting Undercover Officer. He Thought the Cop was a 15-Year-Old Boy

Elementary Principal Arrested for Sexting Undercover Officer. He Thought the Cop was a 15-Year-Old Boy
Joseph Gunderson - January 31, 2022 at 09:16AM

Derrick McLaughlin, the 41-year-old principal of Dawson Elementary School in Riverview, Florida, was arrested on Thursday after engaging in sexually explicit testing with who he believed to be a 15-year-old boy, reports the Post Millennial. Luckily, it was actually an undercover police officer.

The sting operation occurred from January 19 to January 20, 2022, says the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, with the purpose of “identify[ing] individuals attempting to exploit children.”

McLaughlin initiated the conversation with the undercover officer and attempted to entice who he believed to be a young boy to engage in sexual acts. He’s been charged with “Transmission of Harmful Material to a Minor, Unlawful Use of a Two-Way Communications Device, and Use of Computer Services or Devices to Solicit Certain Illegal Acts.”

Let’s hope this deviant is locked away for a long time, preferably in a frozen prison.

Of course, deviants in our public schools are nothing new. And often they aren’t just targeting a single child like this pervert. In Florida, a member of the school board took elementary students to a gay bar for a field trip, and a teacher in Minnesota has been detailing her sex life—which is not what one would call traditional—to her students for some time.

These obviously aren’t a majority of teachers—at least, I sure as hell hope not—but one must wonder how many of these perverts are still roaming the hallways.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

The Rock Comes to Joe Rogan's Defense, Shares Message of Support in Midst of Spotify Drama

The Rock Comes to Joe Rogan's Defense, Shares Message of Support in Midst of Spotify Drama
Brodigan - January 31, 2022 at 08:56AM

A funny thing happened as I was working with the content this morning. Joe Rogan addressed the Spotify controversy. As I was transcribing some of what he said and scrolling through the blue checkmarks that showed support, one stood out. The jabroni-beating, pie-eating, trailblazing, eyebrow-raising, laying-the-smackdown, causing-no-fuss, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

"Great stuff here brother. Perfectly articulated. Look forward to coming on one day and breaking out the tequila with you.

Three things come to mind.

One, Joe Rogan absolutely has to have The Rock on his podcast. I'm surprised he hasn't yet.

Two, The Rock is lending a prominent voice to normal, everyday people. Normal people can sit and enjoy a conversation and have it just be that. Rogan has an interesting conversation with interesting people. The media is just jealous more people want to hear Joe Rogan talk to people than listen to CNN whine about Donald Trump.

Three, it's nice that The Rock left a comment. But outside of me and others who are mining for content, it doesn't have that much of a reach. Let's see The Rock share a video of support to his millions (AND MILLIONS) of Instagram followers. Let's see other A-listers follow.

Leftists keep tweeting that one message from Springsteen and Taylor Swift could be a gamechanger. The same is true with The Rock. Only, not in the way the left wants.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Show Notes: Why Canada, NOT AMERICA, Pushed Back on Tyrannical COVID Mandates

Show Notes: Why Canada, NOT AMERICA, Pushed Back on Tyrannical COVID Mandates
Team Crowder - January 31, 2022 at 08:54AM

Canadians are revolting, and Justin Trudeau stinks on ice! We tell you what you need to know about the Freedom Convoy of truckers protesting mandates. We also tackle the Joe Rogan/Spotify controversy. And actor Michael Rapaport almost realizes the consequences of voting for Dems.

from Steven Crowder Says

Poll Shows Massive Opposition to Joe Biden Choosing SCOTUS Based on Color of Skin, Not Content of Character

Poll Shows Massive Opposition to Joe Biden Choosing SCOTUS Based on Color of Skin, Not Content of Character
Brodigan - January 31, 2022 at 07:49AM

Justice Stephen Breyer is retiring from the Supreme Court, giving Joe Biden his opportunity to choose a justice. Biden has already announced she will be a black woman. This sends the message that any man of any race, Latina, Latinx, Muslim woman, Asian woman, Pacific Islanders woman, or mentally challenged woman need not apply. If Biden can find a black woman who is on the LGBTQ spectrum, that's the money spot. But because Joe Biden is Joe Biden and f*cks everything, he finds that Americans oppose choosing a Supreme Court Justice based on nothing but the color of their skin. Like, three-quarters of Americans.

A new ABC Poll shows that 76% of Americans don't want Joe Biden to choose a nominee based on race and gender. Dig deeper, only 28% percent of "non-white" Americans want Biden to only consider a black woman, which is another way of saying a majority of non-white Americans OPPOSE Joe Biden only considering a black woman. Also, 54% of Biden's own party opposes the idea.

My personal opinion? I'm not concerned about who he picks. He'll be replacing a leftist with another leftist. If the pick was going to affect the balance of power like with Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, then release the hounds. But a leftist replacing a leftist who is only retiring so Biden can replace him with a younger leftist? I can think of at least five other major campaign issues more important to focus on.

That's why it's amusing Joe Biden screwed this up. He could have just said nothing. He could have just picked a nominee who happened to be black and happened to be a woman. Everyone would have known he "fulfilled his campaign promise." But because being a Democrat means not only pandering to leftists but also signaling your virtue to them, Biden said it aloud. The President of the United States announced that when it comes to one of the most important decisions of his presidency, he doesn't care about qualifications or adherence to the constitution. That's not as important as the percentage of melanin and possession of lady bits.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Elon Musk Doubles Down on Freedom Convoy Support, Calls Government the Real 'Fringe Minority'

Elon Musk Doubles Down on Freedom Convoy Support, Calls Government the Real 'Fringe Minority'
Joseph Gunderson - January 31, 2022 at 07:46AM

Our neighbors to the north have had just about enough of Justin “I feel pretty” Trudeau, as the burdensome and invasive vax mandates being pushed by the government have lighted a fire in the bellies of the normally mild-mannered Canadians. Trudeau seems to believe the trucker convoy that has come to meet him in Ottawa is nothing but a “small, fringe minority,” but we know that’s not true.

Elon Musk, Time’s “Person of the Year,” has already voiced support for the movement in Canada. And one can be certain the Truckistanis, as Jack Posobiec has dubbed them, appreciate the support, but Musk has gone further.

His previous comments were somewhat inconsequential, more or less indirectly supporting the protests. “Canadian truckers rule.” “CB radios are free from govt/media control.”

But now, he’s watching exactly what is happening and making observations everyone should take note of.

“It would appear that the so-called ‘fringe minority’ is actually the government.”

Obviously, a reference to Trudeau’s moronic comments from last week. And he makes a good point as well about the determination of these protesters. This isn’t something fleeting, something that can or should be ignored as some petty gripe. This is a gathering to voice legitimate grievances with their government, and they aren’t backing down.

“If the government had the mandate of the people, there would be a significant counter-protest. There is not, therefore they do not.”

And mic drop. This is important and not only for Canadians but for many people of many countries to understand: the number of freedom-loving people in your nations outnumber those gutless amoeba’s scared of their own shadows several times over. You aren’t alone. It’s time you gather together and force your governments to take notice.

Tyranny can only succeed if the people choose not to fight back.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Watch: Joe Rogan Addresses Spotify Controversy, Forced to Explain to Haters What a Podcast Is

Watch: Joe Rogan Addresses Spotify Controversy, Forced to Explain to Haters What a Podcast Is
Brodigan - January 31, 2022 at 07:11AM

While you were out living productive lives, the Joe Rogan/Spotify controversy got stupider. We left off with Neil Young demanding his music be removed from the platform and most normies saying "Meh." Since then, Joni Mitchell also demanded her music be removed if Joe Rogan is allowed to have an opinion, Mitchell is best known for songs like "River" and "Both Sides Now." Nils Lofgren also ask for his music to be removed. He's best known as that guy who sometimes plays guitar for Bruce Springsteen.

Rogan addressed the controversy on Sunday. If you only know about his podcast from CNN headlines, you may think he recklessly tells people to not get your shots just for the shits and giggles of doing so. The truth of the matter is, Rogan has conversations with people that have differing opinions. And both the far left and the media (but I repeat myself) hate it when that happens.

The biggest controversy surrounds conversations with Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone. Two people who have a different opinion than the CDC and Joe Biden about pandemic things.

"Both these people are very highly credentialed, very intelligent, very accomplished, people. And they have an opinion that's different from the mainstream narrative. I wanted to hear what their opinion is. [...] And because of that, those episodes in particular were labeled as being dangerous-- they had dangerous misinformation in them. The problem I have with the term 'misinformation', especially today, is that many of the things we thought of as misinformation just a short while ago are now excepted as fact."

Then Rogan had to explain what a podcast is:

"I'm not a doctor. I'm not a scientist. I'm just a person who sits down with people and has conversations with them. Do I get things wrong? Absolutely. [...] But I try to correct them. [...] I'm interested in having interesting conversations with people that have differing opinions. I'm not interested in only talking to people that have one perspective."

Rogan agrees with Spotify's decision to label podcasts with a "content advisory" any time COVID-19 is discussed. It's basically what Facebook does. The goal is to appease the haters and other losers on the left and in the media (again, I repeat myself). But it won't because Rogan will still have a platform, and that's what these people hate.

Joe Rogan spreading "dangerous medical misinformation" is just the excuse. Today it's COVID-19 because it's an easy target. Tomorrow it will be Rogan saying that biological men are built differently than biological women. Or when Rogan criticizes the "fat acceptance" movement because he makes people feel bad about themselves.

Rogan is always going to allow a diverse collection of opinions on his show. The people who want Rogan canceled hate diversity. A warning label isn't going to change that.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

Crowder Undergoes Wikipedia "Neutrality Training" | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says

Sunday, January 30, 2022

'Outrageous, Ridiculous, and Cruel': Mother Destroys School Board for Continuing Mask Mandate Out of Spite

'Outrageous, Ridiculous, and Cruel': Mother Destroys School Board for Continuing Mask Mandate Out of Spite
Joseph Gunderson - January 30, 2022 at 08:00AM

So, one would have thought that things would have started to shape up for the better in Virginia after Governor Glenn Youngkin was elected. He did enter office and pencil whip the sh*t out of some executive orders, banning Critical Race Theory and ending all mask mandates in schools, but there are a handful of districts that have chosen to give the governor a big middle finger.

Teachers in these districts have gone so far as to say they will ostracize and bully maskless children until they comply. However, Carrie Lukas, a mother of children in the Fairfax County Public Schools, has had enough of the insanity.

At the January 27 meeting of the school board, Lukas laid into them, pointing out how hypocritical the entire charade is.

“Across Virginia, right now, adults are gathering in gyms, bars and clubs and laughing together maskless. Yet my five kids spent all day today, eight hours, in masks in Fairfax County Public Schools. My first grader has never been inside his school without a mask. He’s never had a chance to smile at his friends or hear his teachers’ unmuffled voice, and it is outrageous and ridiculous. […] I know that most of the teachers know this is lunacy and cruel to kids.”

If she had only decided to tear her local school board a new one, it would have been great. But Lukas is too awesome to leave it at that, so she did us one better: she called for the government to start funding students, not systems, allowing parents to divest from terrible public schools and fund their education elsewhere.

“Parents should be given control of that per-pupil spending so that we can find educators who respect us and so that we don’t have to come here begging to you to have some decision making. […] It’s time for Virginia to give parents like me the ability to just leave this school system that very clearly doesn’t want us anyway.”

Freakin’ solid! More of this, please!

I mean, I’d really like everyone to just leave the public school system, join together in little local groups and teach our own kiddos, safe from the claws of the government, but Lukas’ short speech is a good, small step in the right direction.

I hope everyone on that school board understands that the more they screw with parents and their children, the board’s numbered days become fewer and fewer and speed by faster and faster.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Of Course: BLM Transfers Millions to Charity to Purchase Mansion Once Home to the Communist Party

Of Course: BLM Transfers Millions to Charity to Purchase Mansion Once Home to the Communist Party
Joseph Gunderson - January 30, 2022 at 07:56AM

As questions mount surrounding how the Black Lives Matter organization has spent and managed its millions, recently examined records indicated the foundation transferred millions of dollars to a Canadian-based organization M4BJ run by the wife of BLM former co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors, a self-described Marxist. The money transferred was then used to purchase a 10,000 square foot mansion back in July 2021 for $6.3M, reports the New York Post.

The purchase of the Toronto mansion, also called the Wildseed Centre for Art and Activism, upset some members within the group. Sarah Jama, a senior member in M4BJ who recently resigned Tweeted, “For BLM Canada to take money from BLM Global Network for a building without consulting the community was unethical. […] For BLM Canada to refuse to answer questions from young black organizers goes against the spirit of movement building.”

Well, not quite. Or, at least, it doesn’t seem to go against the spirit of BLM.

This isn’t the first time Khan-Cullors has been involved in such a scheme, either. In 2021, she was caught red-handed after having purchased four separate residential properties in Georgie and Los Angeles for $3.2M, as reported at the time by the New York Post. Khan-Cullors resigned from the organization soon after the purchases became public.

Director of the Government Integrity Project and Legal Policy Center Tom Anderson commented on the situation:

“Unfortunately, this appears to be an epic abuse of public trust in which an entire movement’s resources are being squandered on the whims and financial mismanagement of one person and their inner circle of friends and family”

While eyes are currently glued to the BLM organization, the group finds itself leaderless after Khan Cullors resigned last year. Two individuals who were supposed to take the reins never did so after disputes over the scope of their positions.

Though some willfully ignorant BLM sycophants may find these revelations to be surprising, they are truly anything but. The organization has always been and continues to be a prolific criminal enterprise, destroying property valued at hundreds of times what the former co-founder ever stole to purchase properties. During one of these violent group temper tantrums, Kyle Rittenhouse was forced to defend himself with deadly force. Frankly, I’m surprised she left anything in the organization’s purse.

And yet, even with the rioting, looting, assaults, embezzlement, and even murders, BLM’s tenets are currently being taught to children in public schools. Think about that for a moment…

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Pregnant Activist Pops Abortion Pill Live on Air. She was Debating a Pro-Lifer

Pregnant Activist Pops Abortion Pill Live on Air. She was Debating a Pro-Lifer
Brodigan - January 30, 2022 at 07:51AM

A pro-abortion activist gave herself an abortion. Live, on the news. In the middle of a debate on Roe v. Wade. That's basically what we're looking at here. Jex Blackmore is a pro-abortion advocate who promotes abortion pills. Thanks to Joe Biden's FDA, you can now get them through mail-order. Yes, you have more options on how to get an abortion than you do how to treat the coronavirus. At the start of a debate on a Detroit news channel, Jax popped one of the pills to show other pro-aborts how easy it was.

Crowder Undergoes Wikipedia "Neutrality Training" | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says

Government Bans Citizens' Right to Assemble While WaPo Claims 'Freedom Convoy' Truckers Are the Fascist Ones

Government Bans Citizens' Right to Assemble While WaPo Claims 'Freedom Convoy' Truckers Are the Fascist Ones
Brodigan - January 30, 2022 at 07:14AM

It's a tale of two tweets and a reminder of how much the media hates you. The 'Freedom Convoy' is eastbound and down all throughout Canada. Justin 'I Feel Pretty' Trudeau demanded the drivers get their Fauci Ouchie or not be able to support themselves and feed their families. The truckers said, "No." It was one government restriction too many. So they organized a peaceful protest. One that is supported throughout Canada.

And one in which the dickheads in the press are, of course, attacking the truckers for defying their federal government. The Washington Post's attack was particularly disgusting.

Quick side note. Trudeau, that walking pile of soy and hair product, views the pandemic as a great opportunity to rest the global economy. Keep that in the back of your brain as this story unfolds.

There is a line in Mel Brooks' The History of the World where King Louis XVI is warned that the people are revolting. His response: "You said it, they stink on ice." That's literally what the media thinks of you. The people are speaking up against the government. The media sides with the government because, in this instance, the media and the government share the same political agenda. People disagreeing gets in the way.

Here's the thing. At 9:27 AM on the 28th, the Washington Post was calling the citizens fascist. At 4:13 PM, the government stripped the citizens of their right to peacefully assemble.

"The Nova Scotia government just banned people from 'stopping or gathering' alongside a highway at the NS/NB border 'in support of the 2022 Freedom Convoy' or related events (not just blockades)."

The Freedom Convoy is protesting the government using the guise of an emergency to strip citizens of their rights. In response, the government has stripped citizens of their rights claiming that the protest is itself an emergency. And the media claims the truckers are the ones who are the fascists.

Do we have your attention now?

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Kid Rock Sends Message to Fans: 'If There's a Vaccine Mandate, I Won't Be Showing Up Either'

Kid Rock Sends Message to Fans: 'If There's a Vaccine Mandate, I Won't Be Showing Up Either'
Brodigan - January 29, 2022 at 08:57AM

Kid Rock announces a spring-summer tour, and there was concern among his freedom-loving fans. A few of the venues currently have anti-freedom mandates and require fans to disclose medical information in order to attend a rock and roll show. Rock took to Facebook to alleviate concerns. They looked into it, and the belief is that by the time the tour comes to town a lot of this nonsense will be over. If not, fans don't have to worry. Because there won't be a show to go to.

"You’re going to be getting your money back because I won’t be showing up, either. If you think I’m going to sit out there and say 'Don't Tell Me How to Live,' 'We The People,' while people are holding up their f*cking vaccine cards and wearing masks, that sh*t ain’t happening."

It would be nice if artists standing up for their fans against discrimination was the rule and not the exception. Too many are afraid if they do, the media and other losers on Twitter will say mean things about them. Kid Rock doesn't give a f*ck. Neither does Jim Breuer. Travis Tritt never had had a f*ck to give, and now he has venues changing their mandates just for him.

If anything, it would be one hell of a tour. Kid Rock, Travis Tritt, Aaron Lewis, and Ted Nugent in the "Monsters of Freedom Tour." Superspreading to a city near you. Unless you live in NYC, Los Angles, or Washington DC.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

IN RED AMERICA ("Back in America" Parody) | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says

UFC Star Ground and Pound's Joe Biden: 'Change Your Own Adult Diapers'

UFC Star Ground and Pound's Joe Biden: 'Change Your Own Adult Diapers'
Brodigan - January 29, 2022 at 08:06AM

Colby Covington is one of the best trash-talkers in mixed martial arts. He's going to get slept by Jorge Masvidal in a few months, but the trash-talking will be glorious. Colby also isn't afraid to get involved in politics. He was the victor in the infamous MAGA vs BLM fight of 2020. The UFC star was asked to judge Joe Biden's trash-talking skills after the president had an old man meltdown on DOOCY.

Colby wasn't impressed. And he shared how he would have handled the situation.

Jorge Masvidal On Stupid Celebrities' Politics and Mindless Pandering | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says

Pedophile Group Says Children Should Learn About Fetishes, Kink to Prevent Child Sex Abuse

Pedophile Group Says Children Should Learn About Fetishes, Kink to Prevent Child Sex Abuse
Joseph Gunderson - January 29, 2022 at 08:04AM

If you read the headline and immediately said something to the effect of, “What the f*ck,” you’re a mentally healthy human being, unlike the people over at Prostasia, a group that advocates for the destigmatization of pedophilia. I’m sure there’s a former professor who’s an avid supporter.

Prostasia has published an article on their website titled, “3 simple steps that can reduce CSA [Child Sexual Abuse],” in which they write that to prevent sexual abuse, children should be provided with “1. Comprehensive sex ed […] 2. Free, anonymous, stigma-free support for all […] 3. Social services for teens including housing and cash benefits.”

When Prostasia says “Comprehesive sex ed,” though, it’s probably not what you’re thinking.

“[C]omprehensive, intersectional sex education that includes a curriculum on consent, bodily autonomy, pleasure, chronophilias, fetishes, as well as supporting sexual and cultural identity. […] Sex education centered on sex positivity and consent gives students a much better chance of leading ethical and satisfying sex lives.”

You see, the pedo advocacy organization would rather young children be inundated with sexual messaging and imagery. That’s what they believe comprehensive sex education should be. In particular, they wish for children to be taught about “chronophilias.” Can you guess why?

“[T]hey are sexually attracted to others in a particular age-range, which may not match their own age. […] But chronophilias go beyond minor attraction, there are age related sexualities on the other side as well. Minors can have little to no attraction to those in their own age group while being attracted to adults in general (though the onus is always on the adult to say no.)”

I’m sure there’s no ulterior motive for wanting to teach children such explicit sexual content while advocating that things such as chronophilia are natural and appropriate. There’s nothing untoward about a pedophile organization advocating for children to know it’s okay to be attracted to adults…

“This can’t be said enough but whatever the local age of consent, err on the side of people who are under 18 being unable to consent.”

And… There it is. I mean, there’s no hiding here—at least that much can be said about these people. They come right out and say what they are thinking.

As for the other two points on their list, the stigma-free support for which they advocate centers completely on, you guessed it, “MAPs.” They say that those attracted to minors are “in danger of self-loathing […] depression and suicidality,” and it’s important for these people to have someone to whom to reach out. I wonder to whom they want them to reach out? Maybe Prostasia?

And Prostasia writes that because “90% of CSA is committed by someone close to the child,” children should be provided a means by which they can leave unsafe environments. And while this might not seem objectionable, and Prostasia does try hard to dress it up as sincere concern for young children, especially LGBTQ kids, one can’t help but think they are just advocating for kids to leave their parents.

The entire article is a pedophile’s list of dream policies to create little sexualized children clamoring for the very perverts for whom this organization is formed. It’s gross. But how far are our schools from actually instituting the kind of curriculums for which Prostasia calls? Transgenderism has already infected sex ed in public schools, so it isn’t a stretch to believe some or all of this content will soon be in classrooms.

Every time something like this comes up, I can’t help but wish we could send all the pedos to Russia. They know how to handle pedophiles in Russia.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Watch: Flight Attendant Harasses Passenger Over His 'Let's Go Brandon' Mask in Flashing LED Lights

Watch: Flight Attendant Harasses Passenger Over His 'Let's Go Brandon' Mask in Flashing LED Lights
Brodigan - January 29, 2022 at 07:29AM

Masks suck and having to wear one while flying is anti-science. Unfortunately, Joe Biden and the people who control Joe Biden are all anti-science, too, and they make the rules. That gives you, a based legend in the making, three options. You can not fly. You can refuse to wear a mask and wind up on the terrorist no-fly list. Or you can f*ck with people. Option C is the preferred one. We've seen a dude fly with red panties on his face. We've seen a bro fly with a french fry hanging out of his mouth the whole flight. Now, we have this king, wearing a mask with a flashing LED light message. "FJB" and "Let's Go Brandon."

Spirit Airlines was not amused. And I know what you're thinking. "But Brodigan, Spirit is a joke of an airline. How could their flight attendants not have a sense of humor?" That's an excellent question. Spirit might charge passengers extra to be serviced by an employee with personality. Instead, our man here got stuck with the fun police.

"It's offensive. It can be to some people, so we're not going to go back and forth. Just go ahead and put the blue [mask] on, okay?"

I don't need to remind you what "Let's Go, Brandon" means, do I? I see other articles recapping what "Let's Go, Brandon" means but I feel like the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website faithful knows what "Let's Go, Brandon" means.

If I could offer future legends a piece of advice. I wouldn't do the "I thought this was America" thing. I'd play stupid. Brandon is your friend who is battling leukemia. Your school sold these masks to help his family with medical bills. Everyone is wearing these masks to send positive vibes out into the universe as Brandon goes for what will hopefully be his last treatment. Forcing you to take the mask off shows that Spirit Airlines wants Brandon to die. Please don't make my friend die.

You know, something like that.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Friday, January 28, 2022

Teacher Threatens to 'Throw a Kid at You' If You Oppose School Mask Mandates

Teacher Threatens to 'Throw a Kid at You' If You Oppose School Mask Mandates
Brodigan - January 28, 2022 at 07:49AM

It was a confusing week for school mask mandates in New York. Yes, the anti-science ones that are based on guidelines written by teachers' unions. One judge said they were unconstitutional. The next day, a different judge ruled "constitution, schmonsitution." During the confusion, this teacher recorded a video stating he was going to wear every mask he owned to be spiteful. And if you have a problem with it, he'll use your child as a projectile weapon.

You'd think by now that teachers would understand how the internet works and that, wherever you are, @LibsofTikTok will find you. Yet here we are.

"And nobody better try to mask shame me. If you're walking by and I have my masks on do not say a damn word to me because I will throw a child at you. I will pick up the first child that passes, and I will throw them at you. And you can scream real loud because you won't have a mask on."

When he says pick up a child, he means one of the students at the school at which he works. Or the school at which he USED TO work. Our dude here was escorted out of the building pending an investigation.

"Please know that the posts made by employees on personal social media accounts do not reflect the District's opinions, beliefs or values."

In the end, this teacher taught his students one final valuable lesson. Be careful what you share on social media.

He threw his career away over his own ignorance, though. If this knucklehead understood what "mask OPTIONAL" meant he would know that no one is going to mask shame him. He could wear eleventy-five masks, and no one would care. Parents just don't want them forced on their children.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Three You May Have Missed: MSNBC, Teachers Unions, and Chinese Anal Swabs

Three You May Have Missed: MSNBC, Teachers Unions, and Chinese Anal Swabs
Brodigan - January 28, 2022 at 07:47AM

The world is bracing for land war in Europe and Joe Biden had another old man meltdown at a reporter. It's been a busy week and we've been hitting you with content on content on content. Not every post gets noticed, but here are three we feel deserve a second set of eyes.

The teachers' unions are working with a far-left group to tell your children what "misinformation" is.

"They want leftists. They want students to be good little Democrats who vote blue all the way down-ticket because that’s what they believe 'thoughtful and better-informed citizens' would do. And the best way to do that is to control what students think is fact and false, and who better to determine that but a bunch of left-wing journos."

An MSNBC host issued an incitement to violence. Or that's what it would be called if she was a Fox News host.

"I can’t help but shake my head before tossing it back and laughing hysterically because the image of some of these skinny jean-wearing, neon hair-having, don’t-know-what-bathroom-to-use leftist radicals running around in Che Guevara t-shirts and rifles would be hilarious. Do lefties even know how to remove the safety on a firearm?"

Finally, China made US Officials swab their butts to see if they had the coronavirus.

"In one email, a diplomat writes that one 'colleague from [redacted] telling our group [redacted] that he was given an anal COVID swab at his apartment.' The incident apparently occurred in Beijing, where the Olympics will be held next month. Although the anal swab fell away for a while, it has made a recent resurgence and has actually been brought back in Beijing ahead of the Olympics, reports the New York Post, due to the spread of the omicron variant."

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from Steven Crowder Says

Judge in Loudoun County Rape Case Reverses Course, Won’t Make Rapist Register as a Sex Offender

Judge in Loudoun County Rape Case Reverses Course, Won’t Make Rapist Register as a Sex Offender
Joseph Gunderson - January 28, 2022 at 07:38AM

In a move that boggles the mind, Judge Pamela Brooks has reversed her previous decision sentencing the Loudoun County “boy in a skirt” to register for life as a sex offender. Now, she says she made a mistake.

The Daily Wire reports, the boy was found guilty of two counts of sodomy and is serving supervised probation at a locked juvenile facility until he turns 18. Among the voices who swayed the judge were the probation officer and one of the boy’s attorneys.

Jason Bickmore, the probation officer, argued that “studies showed teenage sex offenders who register were more likely to re-offend.” He said the move would be counterproductive to the boy’s rehabilitation.

Caleb Kershner, who served as one of the attorneys for the boy and a member of the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors, painted the boy as a victim of the system who only received such a harsh punishment due to the media attention paid to his case.

“We are setting him up for failure. […] We’ve never concentrated on [the boy] — we’re not even giving this young man a chance.”

This bleeding-heart nonsense was enough to change the judge’s opinion, which is strange after saying at his sentencing, “Over the years this court has read many psychosexual reports, and when I read yours, frankly, it scared me. It scared me for you, it scared me for society.”

But after hearing the pleas of those advocating for the boy, the judge said, “This court made an error in my initial ruling. […] The court is not vain enough to think it’s perfect, but I want to get it right.”

I’m pretty sure you had it right the first time, lady.

For her part, Commonwealth Attorney Buta Biberaj continued to push for the boy to register as a sex offender until the age of 30.

The first victim’s father also spoke at the hearing, expressing his anger with the justice system and the attorney’s office, both of which failed his daughter and the other victims.

“The person who committed these horrible crimes against these three young women will not have to bear the shame at being known as a lifetime registered sex offender, as he was originally sentenced. […] Rather, we are now concerned more than ever that this change in his legal status may put other parents’ daughters at risk of harm in the future.”

The judge’s lack of a backbone to enforce a more-than-justified sentence is appalling. To imagine this violent criminal will eventually walk the streets free without having to register as a sex offender is enough to make one’s blood boil. And as I read such news, I can’t help but wish we could do well learning some lessons from Russia.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Elon Musk Declares Solidarity With Canadian Truck Drivers Demanding Justin Trudeau's Resignation

Elon Musk Declares Solidarity With Canadian Truck Drivers Demanding Justin Trudeau's Resignation
Brodigan - January 28, 2022 at 07:11AM

A convoy of freedom-loving truck drivers is en route to Ottawa. They are calling for an end to all Canada's pandemic restrictions, or for Prime Minister Justin "I Feel Pretty" Trudeau's resignation. The convoy is expected in Ottawa this weekend. Trudeau, that walking pile of soy and hair care product, announced he caught COVID and won't be at work for five days. You could believe that. Or you can just think Trudeau's a pussy.

People from throughout North America have been voicing their support for the convoy. The drivers can add one prominent voice to their list of supporters: Elon Musk. Time Magazine's Person of the Year announced his solidarity with the convoy on, where else, Twitter! Three words: "Canadian Truckers Rule!" Three more words: "Je m’aple syrup."

The convoy started due to Canada's vax mandate that all truck drivers needed their Fauci Ouchie to enter the country. To enter the country, mind you, hauling vital goods for the Canadian people. The truckers had an exception, but Trudeau liberals changed their minds. As we approach 730 days passed fifteen days to flatten the curve, the people had enough. Hence, the freedom convoy.

Canada's restrictions weren't Australia bad, but they were still pretty bad. 87% of Canadians were tracked via their mobile phones. Police raided illegal gatherings of SIX people or more. Parents were told to isolate their children in their own homes. Elected officials called for regulating conversations in public areas.

And, to practice safe sex, the Canadian government encouraged the use of the "glory hole." Google what "glory hole" is if you don't know. I only bring it up to point out there's a government document with the phrase "glory hole" in it.

Keep an eye on the convoy. This weekend could get very interesting.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Exposed: Wikipedia’s Bias Tested and Proven

Exposed: Wikipedia’s Bias Tested and Proven
Brodigan - January 27, 2022 at 11:10AM

Wikipedia is the #1 research tool in the world, boasting over 18 billion views per month. It also pushes a radical left-wing agenda. Crowder and crew expose how they do it.

from Steven Crowder Says