Pedophile Group Says Children Should Learn About Fetishes, Kink to Prevent Child Sex Abuse
Joseph Gunderson - January 29, 2022 at 08:04AM

If you read the headline and immediately said something to the effect of, “What the f*ck,” you’re a mentally healthy human being, unlike the people over at Prostasia, a group that advocates for the destigmatization of pedophilia. I’m sure there’s a former professor who’s an avid supporter.
Prostasia has published an article on their website titled, “3 simple steps that can reduce CSA [Child Sexual Abuse],” in which they write that to prevent sexual abuse, children should be provided with “1. Comprehensive sex ed […] 2. Free, anonymous, stigma-free support for all […] 3. Social services for teens including housing and cash benefits.”
When Prostasia says “Comprehesive sex ed,” though, it’s probably not what you’re thinking.
“[C]omprehensive, intersectional sex education that includes a curriculum on consent, bodily autonomy, pleasure, chronophilias, fetishes, as well as supporting sexual and cultural identity. […] Sex education centered on sex positivity and consent gives students a much better chance of leading ethical and satisfying sex lives.”
You see, the pedo advocacy organization would rather young children be inundated with sexual messaging and imagery. That’s what they believe comprehensive sex education should be. In particular, they wish for children to be taught about “chronophilias.” Can you guess why?
“[T]hey are sexually attracted to others in a particular age-range, which may not match their own age. […] But chronophilias go beyond minor attraction, there are age related sexualities on the other side as well. Minors can have little to no attraction to those in their own age group while being attracted to adults in general (though the onus is always on the adult to say no.)”
I’m sure there’s no ulterior motive for wanting to teach children such explicit sexual content while advocating that things such as chronophilia are natural and appropriate. There’s nothing untoward about a pedophile organization advocating for children to know it’s okay to be attracted to adults…
“This can’t be said enough but whatever the local age of consent, err on the side of people who are under 18 being unable to consent.”
And… There it is. I mean, there’s no hiding here—at least that much can be said about these people. They come right out and say what they are thinking.
As for the other two points on their list, the stigma-free support for which they advocate centers completely on, you guessed it, “MAPs.” They say that those attracted to minors are “in danger of self-loathing […] depression and suicidality,” and it’s important for these people to have someone to whom to reach out. I wonder to whom they want them to reach out? Maybe Prostasia?
And Prostasia writes that because “90% of CSA is committed by someone close to the child,” children should be provided a means by which they can leave unsafe environments. And while this might not seem objectionable, and Prostasia does try hard to dress it up as sincere concern for young children, especially LGBTQ kids, one can’t help but think they are just advocating for kids to leave their parents.
The entire article is a pedophile’s list of dream policies to create little sexualized children clamoring for the very perverts for whom this organization is formed. It’s gross. But how far are our schools from actually instituting the kind of curriculums for which Prostasia calls? Transgenderism has already infected sex ed in public schools, so it isn’t a stretch to believe some or all of this content will soon be in classrooms.
Every time something like this comes up, I can’t help but wish we could send all the pedos to Russia. They know how to handle pedophiles in Russia.
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