Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Woman Goes Full Beast Mode, Saves Dogs by Fighting Off BEAR

Woman Goes Full Beast Mode, Saves Dogs by Fighting Off BEAR
Brodigan - June 01, 2021 at 12:02PM

Dogs are better than people. Just ask Medal of Honor recipient Conan. Or Major Biden. There is little that dog owners won't do for their far superior family members. But a California woman has raised the measuring stick for how far a person will go to protect her canine companions. She fought off a bear. No, really. A bear.

This video from TikTok has been working its way around the interwebs. Leading to the obvious question, what did YOU do over your three-day weekend?

Good news from the woman who posted the video:

"PSA: The dogs and her are okay. No, she doesn't do this on the regular. They were all outside gardening when the pups noticed the bear."

I'd like to believe I would show the same courage if I was ever in this same situation. I'd also hope that I was wearing my brown shorts because the dogs might blame the smell on me for a change. I'd also need a whole bottle of Jack Daniels to calm my nerves.

The woman in question didn't even blink. As soon as she saw the Mama Bear's head peeking over the fence, she went at it full force. I don't even think she had a weapon of any sort. If it came down to it, the bear was going to get those bare hands.

Everyone loves their dogs. If it were a pet cat, meh.

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