It was a humdinger of a day in the Arizona House of Representatives. Rep. Daniel Hernandez felt the need to mock people concerned about communism. Because, to him, "white nationalism" is the real problem. What exactly white nationalism is is anybody's guess. Its definition depends on what Democrat is speaking and what agenda they are trying to ram through at that moment. Not amused by Hernandez's lame excuse at snark was Rep. Quang Nguyen, a refugee who fled communism and lost family members.
Independence Day has turned into a wee bit of a joke this year thanks to Joe Biden. It started with Biden telling us that "if we did what we were told," he'd let us celebrate July Fourth in small groups. Then he threatened to take July Fourth away because we weren't listening. Then when it turned out that Biden failed at his goal, he didn't have the testicular fortitude to cancel the holiday. Which was a good thing, since most Americans were going to celebrate the Fourth of July whether Biden allowed us to or not.
But July Fourth was still set as a goal as the "end" of the pandemic. A time to celebrate leaving your house for the Americans who haven't been doing so this entire time. Budweiser has never met a virtue it wouldn't signal, so a special commercial was in order. The company teamed up with actor Bill Pullman for his famous Independence Day speech. Get ready to cringe.
For you youngbloods who may not know who this guy is or what is even happening right now, here's the source material.
Independence Day (4/5) Movie CLIP - The President's Speech (1996) HD
I'm actually surprised they went with Pullman. A more woke company would have put Anthony Fauci in the role of the president.
More eyeroll-worthy than anything 'rona-related? The line about grilling veggie OR meat burgers. If you can't just say burgers, you're a virtue-signaling leftist douche. Also, if you're allowing veggie burgers on your grill, you don't even deserve to have a grill.
Also, let's expose two inconvenient truths. One, Independence Day was a terrible movie and Pullman's monologue was "meh." Two, the only people who drink Budweiser do so because it's on sale and/or because that's what their grandpappy drank.
If this Independence Day is really "different" from all others, so be it. Let it be Americans declaring their independence from douchey brands, actors, and politicians.
Joe Biden talks about systemic racism a lot. Whether or not he knows what those words mean is up for debate. Also up for debate is whether Biden understands any of the other words coming out of his mouth. Some Americans, those of us with functioning eye sockets, question whether he knows where he is half the time. He's an easily confused, discombobulated, pudding-brained old coot. But one who likes to talk about systemic racism. If you're an institution in America, you have systemic racism, and Joe Biden is going to get it out of you. YouTuber Jay Shakur points out the systemic racism is actually coming from inside the house. The WHITE House, if you will.
It's Joe Biden. Joe Biden is the probem.
Shakur on the soft bigotry of White Liberals
It's why Joe Biden can say things like "if you don't vote for me, you ain't black."
That's why Joe Biden can quite literally say without fear of reprimand that poor kids are just as smart and just as bright ... as white kids. Insinuating what? Number one, all white kids are smart. Number two, insinuating anyone non-white is not smart.
Liberals, particularly the white ones, are fond of projecting their own faults onto other people. Systemic racism is just their latest example of doing so. But hey, at least Biden isn't a jerk on Twitter.
Daniel Concannon, I don't know who you are other than a based Jerry Maguire. But I want to buy you all the beers.
As far as I can tell, Daniel worked for the Manchester School District in New Hampshire. "Worked" being the key phrase here. Corresponding tweets show that he was forced to take the same BS "white privilege" workshops that leftists force on everyone from Coca-Cola employees to abused foster children. Basically, if you're white, you suck and are to blame for all the bad things that have ever happened ever. Ironically enough, according to other white people. Just a hunch, but I'm guessing there's not a lot of melanin sitting on a NEW HAMPSHIRE school board.
Concannon feels it is inappropriate, and possibly a little racist, for employers to treat employees this way. So he quit. Oy vey, did he quit. I'm not one for hyperbole, but this is the greatest resignation letter of all time.
My name is Daniel Concannon.
Attached is my resignation from Manchester School District in response to their "White Privilege" training.
I won't be pathologized for being White.
I won't be pathologized for being normal.
Pour yourself a glass of wine and enjoy. Never in the history of the English language have words been arranged to form sentences in such a glorious fashion. (h/t Twitchy)
As a Transfeminine-Sprectasexual-Non-Libidonist-Subaru-Forester-Basset-Hound-Hybrid with a mixtape of surgical errors for genitals, I am non binarily outraged at Manchester School District's stunning failure at inclusivity of Soft Butch, Stone Butch, Panromantic, Genderormant, Cupiosexual, Trigender, Polygender, Demigender, and Left-of-Center peoples, and I call for the resignation and immediate gender reassignment surgery of Superintendent Goldhardt, Chief Equity Officer (lmao) Steady, and all other District Administrators and Board of School Committee members responsible for this wanton toxicity that, though obviously acceptable to treat mere cisnormative Whites with, is supposed to be spared those that share fellowship in the cultural revolution, adopt abstract and performative identities, and list pronouns after their names. How absolutely dare you / yours / yourself?
"A mixtape of surgical errors for genitals" is pure poetry. It makes me want to make a mixtape called "Surgical Errors for Genitals." I don't know if Transgender Rockabilly is a musical genre yet, but it would go on the mixtape.
If there was a Pulitzer Prize for resignation letters, it should go to Daniel Concannon. It would if Pulitizer gave prizes to anyone other than progressive doucheburrito assclowns.
None of this should gloss over the more serious issue. Our public schools have decided the best way to foster diversity/pander to rebranded Marxists is to create hatred and resentment where it didn't exist before. Proving your "anti-racist" bonafides by being racist towards white people and othering anyone with an opposing viewpoint is offensive as well as batsh!t crazy. That's a blog post for a different time or any of these prior to this one.
As some who organizes words for a living, I just wanted to salute a man for his brilliant prose. Cheers to you, Daniel Concannon.
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Democrats have an anti-Semitism problem. Actually, I guess it's only a problem if you think it's a problem and Democrats obviously don't. It's the only reason why Rep. Ilhan Omar is allowed to say the things she does. Then take back the things she says. Then say them again. All while Nancy Pelosi avoids eye contact. And BFF Rep. AOC compares criticism of Omar to the Holocaust.
Everyone has their own definition of what "anti-Semitism" is. For the sake of this post, I'm defining it as someone who shows a clear and robust dislike for Jewish people.
When Asked If She Regrets Comparing U.S. & Israel To Terrorist Organizations, Omar Says “I Don't"
TAPPER: So those anti-Semitic comments you made comparing Israel to Hamas, you take those back, right?
OMAR: I don't. I think it's really important to think back to the point that I was trying to make.
Funny, because I seem to recall Omar offering a clarification where she did take those back. Nancy Pelosi thanked her and everything. This means that Omar had her fingers crossed and Pelosi is a coward afraid of the Squad. Also, even Hamas thinks Omar goes too far.
The congresswoman then attacked her Jewish colleagues in Congress.
Omar: Jewish House Members Criticizing Her Anti-Semitic Remarks “Haven't Been Partners In Justice"
I think it's really important for these members to realize that they haven't been partners in justice, they haven't been, you know, equally engaging in seeking justice around the world.
If things follow the usual script, here's how the next few days will unfold. Republicans will be accused of "seizing" on Omar's comments. Because in the eyes of the media, the problem is never the Democrats as much as it is Republicans reacting to the Democrats. Some on the left, including an elected official or two, will gently speak out about Omar's latest comments. The Squad will have a hissy fit and claim anyone who criticizes her is literally putting Omar's life at risk literally. Nancy Pelosi will avoid the topic at any cost. Then next week, Ilhan Omar will do an interview with MSNBC and we can reset the clock.
Maybe if it keeps happening a few more times, Democrats will admit it's an issue. I doubt it. But, maybe.
It's not that perverts are the smartest people in the world. But if you're going to peep on a young girl while pulling a Jeffrey Toobin in Texas, you HAVE to assume the homeowners are strapped. For this unlucky scumbag, both the girl's dad AND mom are licensed gun owners. They caught him being a sleaze bucket. He said he was sorry, pulled his pants back up, and left. "I'm sorry" isn't a good enough answer when you catch someone outside your kid's bedroom. And the footrace was on!
They followed the man to a gas station across the street where the woman grabbed and held him while her husband ran inside the store to call 911, authorities said.
At that point, the suspect took the handgun from the woman and pointed it at her — prompting the father to open fire, striking the suspect with multiple bullets.
The dad says he gave the man two to the chest and one to the stomach. He thinks he may have shot him a fourth time. If it were me, the pervert would have been shot at least once in the dick for good measure. But things happen fast. Once the pervert threatened both the father's daughter AND wife, I'm sure he was just making sure the other guy had holes in him.
"[My daughter] looks over at the window and this guy is at her window. I can't say that he tried to take my daughter's innocence. He took my daughter's innocence."
The father (all parties wished to stay unnamed) didn't want to shoot the guy. The plan was just to detain him because "I'm pretty sure if he did this to my children, he's doing it to a lot of other children out here." I'd say that's a safe assumption.
The suspect is in critical but stable condition. The district attorney's office is deciding whether or not they will file charges. Hopefully, I'm reading that right and the charges will be filed against the PERVERT. It's 2021 and you can't be too sure.
When it comes to the 2024 GOP primary, Ron DeSantis has a Donald Trump problem and Trump has a DeSantis problem. It's not doing the bidding of the left to say so. It's the most basic, bland, any-idiot-can-see-it assessment of the political landscape. DeSantis and Trump are top of the list. No one else is on the list. Eventually, one of them is going to have to acknowledge the other. But that's a 2022-ish problem. For today, let's take a trip back to 2018.
Childish Gambino was a thing. You could still enjoy Judd Apatow movies without Seth Rogan and Jonah Hill making you feel bad about it. And a young Ron DeSantis released this advertisement for Florida governor with his children.
Ron DeSantis has released an ad indoctrinating his children into Trumpism
Then Mr. Trump said "You're fired." I love that part.
One on hand, it's cute and adorable and if I were a woman I would be squee'ing so hard right now. But I'm a grown-ass man, so I'll keep my squee internal. But on the other hand, I suddenly feel like I failure that I never thought to build a wall with my niece and nephew. We just built a bunch of pillow forts and made their mother's living room look like the streets of Santa Barbara. I have, however, read them my blog posts. Remember, it's not what you read them as much as it is the tone of voice you read it to them in.
No one knows what the next few years will bring. It's hard enough trying to imagine what August will look like when Louder with Crowder comes back from hiatus. It was just good to see a humorous side to DeSantis. I hope we get to see more of it.
What we have here is a literal orgy of left-on-left action. The battleground is Minneapolis, Ground Zero for the left's anti-cop movement for some reason or other. Our players are Donald Hooker, lead activist, who tells the story through his Facebook livestream. Donald's minions. And Councilwoman Andrea Jenkins. According to Wikipedia, Jeninks is the "first black openly transgender woman elected to public office in the United States." You couldn't book a battle royal that covered every progressive stereotype like this if you tried.
There was some kind of "Justice for the Guy with the Face" rally that Donald appears to be in charge of. Councilwoman Jenkins showed up for a photo op and to claim to be an ally. Hooker asked her what she's done for the cause lately. Jenkins got in Hooker's face. Hooker told Jenkins to calm down. Jenkins realized she was expected to do more than just spit talking points and tried to flee in her car. This is where Hooker's minions come in, blocking the car until Jenkins agreed to sign a list of demands.
If this weren't comical, it would be pathetic that not 1 mainstream #MNmedia outlet reported on a sitting #Mpls city council member being held hostage for 2 hours & coerced to sign a statement agreeing to terrorists demands before being allowed to leave.
— CrimeWatchMpls (@CrimeWatchMpls) June 29, 2021
I high recommend watching Donald's entire 22-minute video just for yuks. But I understand you're busy people, so here are two shorter clips. We see the transgender councilwoman is presented the list of leftist activist demands. She signs the list of demands, presented to her by leftist activists. The transgender councilwoman then accused the leftist activists of being white supremacists, even though our friend Donald has the same shade of melanin she does.
The only thing missing is the councilwoman screaming "I'm Andrea Jenkins, bitch" as she speeds away.
It's hard to take sides when everyone involved is so utterly unlikeable. But if I was forced to choose, I can kinda see Hooker and the Minions' point. Kidnapping is never the answer. But if you're an activist out on the streets doing activist things and you have elected officials pandering to your every need, you might expect them to back up your words and actions at some point. A lot of the activists we've seen over the past year have gone back to their parents' house to unpause their video games. But for the holdouts, I can see them expecting a councilwoman to actually do something.
Donald and the Minions believing the chicken-scratched document they had signed is a legally binding document just adds to the comedy of the situation. Excellent work by everyone! Take a bow.
Oli London is a British influencer. I'd be lying if I said I knew what exactly that means or what Oli influences. To this day, I refuse to acknowledge "influencers" as real people. Whatever Oli influenced before, they're now coming out as a proud member of the transracial community. It's a little like the transgender community. Only instead of being born in the wrong gender, you're born in the wrong ... race. It's a real thing and totally not a mental disorder and a desperate cry for help.
There's even realignment surgery to turn you into the ... race ... you feel you actually are inside. Let Oli, or I guess they're Jimin now, tell their story.
I've finally had the courage. I've undergone my racial — I can't think of the word — transitional surgery. I've transitioned to a non-binary person — they/them, Korean/Jimin and I finally have the Korean look, so I'm actually really happy.
Facebook has rules about what we can and can't say about marginalized groups. If they didn't, I might be inclined to add a Bugs Bunny .gif of him holding up a picture of a screw and a picture of a ball. Or Eric cartman holding up a picture of a jack and a picture of an ass. But Facebook has those rules, so I won't do that.
I can guess one of the first questions coming to your mind right now. You'll be happy to know Jimin has an answer.
Being Transexual is the same as being TRANSRACIAL because you are born in the wrong body.
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) June 28, 2021
Being Transexual is the same as being TRANSRACIAL because you are born in the wrong body.
Hopefully, other transracial people like Justin Trudeau and Joy Behar can find the same courage as Oli did.
Here's my big question. I know a lot of my colleagues on the right are asking how, logically speaking, claiming you're transracial is any different from claiming you're transgender. What I want to know is ... how soon before leftists are asking the same question? The way I see it, we are five years away from transracial people knocking transgender people off the #1 spot of the left's pound-for-pound most marginalized rankings. Scientists are going to change "the science." The cancel culture mob is going to be demanding apologies from what the "closed-minded" among us in 2021 had to say. Elliot Page is going to say he's a black man and you're racist if you say otherwise.
My biggest concern for Jimin is what they're going to do when BTS becomes of legal age and Jimin is forced to acknowledge that K-pop has always sucked. Maybe by then he'll be able to transition back to being a Brit.
June is the month when brands try to out rainbow each other out of fear they'll be bashed on Twitter if they don't. The NFL has released an ad that reaches an impressive level of pandering. The professional football leagues have yet to find a virtue they won't signal to the high heavens. Now they want you to know that the NFL is gay! And also a bunch of other things that aren't football.
Whoever greenlit this ad needs to enter the league's concussion protocol.
NFL says 'Football is gay. Football is queer. Football is accepting.'
The ad comes after Raider's player Carl Nassib came out as a gay Republican. According to NFL diversity director Sam Rapoport: "I am proud of the clear message this spot sends to the NFL's LGBTQ+ fans: This game is unquestionably for you. I will be playing its first line over and over in my head all season."
Put aside how half-assed the commercial is. Black screen, white lettering, and LGBTQAIIIP+ mad-libs. You can tell how little time and energy the league actually put into this. I'd love to have a conversation with the brainchild behind this to ask who exactly they believe the audience is they're reaching.
It's not football fans, gay or straight. Because it has nothing to do with football, gambling, or drinking beer. If the league is trying to pander to activists, it's not enough. Bud Light has been pandering all month, and the woke mob still hates them because people who work for the company donated money to republicans. As long as Tom Brady is still allowed to pal around with Donald Trump, leftists are still going to hate the NFL. And I know the media claims otherwise, but I refuse to believe that in 2021 there are people in this country who believe things are not "for them." Not unless that company finds a snazzy way to say they're "for everyone."
The target audience, like it is with most of this crap, are woke progressive assclowns looking to impressed other woke progressive assclowns with their woke progressive assclowniness. At least until this time next June.
If the science found a way to bottle the lack of self-awareness at CNN, it would cure the Delta variant. CNN entertainers keep throwing up their Ls online thinking it makes them look sympathetic. All it does is remind America how much CNN sucks at life. No one felt bad about the CNN reporter who was told to go fornicate himself. No one believes that Chris Cuomo is all-natural and doesn't pleasure himself while watching videos of himself. And when Jim Acosta is refused an interview by Rep. Mo Brooks because CNN isn't an honest "news" network, Acosta is not the hero he thinks he is.
Coming up later this hour… we tried to speak to GOP House members about their bogus January 6th conspiracy theories. Congressman Mo Brooks would not comment and rode off on his bicycle…
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) June 26, 2021
ACOSTA: Congressman, can I get a word with you?
REP. BROOKS: If you want to schedule an interview, call Deez. He's my communications director.
ACOSTA: Deez what?
REP. BROOKS: Deez nuts.
Other Republicans should take note. CNN has made it clear it's nothing more than a communication wing for Democrats. If you need further proof, turn it on during the day and see how many "reporters" and "analysts" are repeating the lie that Republicans are "really the ones who defunded the police." It's a real-time example of how it goes from the White House right to the "news" networks' teleprompters. CNN entertainers have also made it clear since January 7 that they aren't interested in an honest conversation about January 6. Rep. Brooks was well within his right to refuse Acosta's interview. Though I would have told him where he can stick his microphone.
If CNN tries asking for comment on anything, tell its "reporters" to piss off. All they can do is tweet about it while ratings continue to plummet.
Gwen Berry is a hammer thrower who placed third at the U.S. Olympic track and field trials. In a perfect world, we don't have to learn the names of people who rank third. Berry is making news because she threw a conniption after hearing the national anthem, claiming she was "set up" by hearing it play. Which was at the award ceremony for the U.S. Olympic track and field trials. Berry threw a shirt over her head, turned around, and pouted. Jen Psaki was asked about it at today's White House press briefing.
Her answer? Reassuring us that the president is extremely proud to be an American, BUUUUUUUT ...
The Biden WH gives support to Gwen Berry turning her back on the national anthem during #TrackFieldTrials21. While Jen Psaki hasn't spoken to Biden about her, she said "pride" in America means "respecting" those who recognize when we "haven't lived up to our highest ideals"
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) June 28, 2021
We would recognize there are times in America where we haven't lived up to our highest ideals.
The president of the United States has yet to pass up an opportunity to divide Americans. Particularly when it comes to black Americans. A group of people the president feels doesn't know how to use the internet or hire an accountant without his help. It's not surprising this White House wouldn't pass on an opportunity to divide. I'm also sure Psaki wouldn't be as concerned about constitutional rights if a bronze medal winner put on a MAGA cap for the anthem. Though, if they were MAGA they'd be in first place.
Do I think Berry should be removed from the team like some others do? Meh. I'm of the belief the less publicity for this cheap stunt the better. I'd rather she not know that I know she exists. But the president of the United States should be able to have the balls to say this is inappropriate as you're representing the United States.
Chris Cuomo is a polarizing individual. There are some people who think he's a j*rkoff. There are others who believe he's more of a douchebag. Cuomo settled the debate on Twitter today confirming that he's ... both? One thing we're sure of is that Chris is in fact the idiot brother. And big brother Andy has both a body count and a history of sexual harassment.
Andy's idiot brother was tweeting about how righteous the media was being "covering the facts" about the Florida condo that collapsed. Reporters are literally doing the Lord's work by reporting the news as it happens. One Twitter user advised Cuomo to calm himself down before he pulled a muscle, warning "you're gonna break your arm j*rking yourself off." Chris responded,
That how this happened?! Hahahaha. Come on, baby, don't hate - facilitate. You can do better than this petty bs.
Uncle Ruckus with his legalize LSD Twitter handle? 19 followers. Seven tweets. His account was only created this month. I don't want to say this is a burner account. I would have no way to confirm it was a burner account. It sure as hell looks like one though. I supposed even as busy a person as Chris Cuomo is, he could still find the time to flex on a Twitter user with nineteen followers. And NOT use a burner account as an excuse to show off his arms.
Though as one Twitter user points out, his photo doesn't deny anything.
The bottom line is we may never know why Chris Cuomo felt it necessary to respond to a Twitter user with nineteen followers. Or if his pump is all-natural. Where I feel we can all find common ground is that anyone who flexes like this is in fact a ginormous @$hole.
Chris Cuomo's response is an embarrassment to his highly regarded peers in the industry: Don Lemon, Jim Acosta, and Brian Stelter.
Nova Scotia Chief Medical Officer Robert Strang isn't saying that's the REASON for the public gathering ban. It's just an added benefit he's totally okay with.
REPORT: No longer about health. Canada will prevent groups from gathering in order to stop the spread of 'unauthorized information'.
— New Granada (@NewGranada1979) June 27, 2021
I think the other purpose of the injunction is to prevent groups that are spreading deliberately false information that create risk. The information itself if listened to creates risk to the public as well. There certainly is a need to manage that misinformation campaign as well.
Canada is afraid of people meeting in public out of fear of what they might say to each other. That what the people say might not be approved by the government. Everything Americans were concerned about when this whole ordeal started (like my editor Courtney) is actually happening in Canada. Now including the thought police.
Canada is our warning, America. Canada is what happens when you give up rights to the government. The people who run Joe Biden are no different from the people who run Canada. The key difference is that Canadians are okay with it and allow it to happen. Don't think the Biden administration won't want to police what we say to each other in the park or at the mall as well.