Brodigan - May 06, 2021 at 07:48AM

In the summer of 2020, a group of commie punks blocked a few streets in Seattle and claimed they created their own autonomous zone. CHAZ was born. It was later named CHOP, because CHAZ rhymed too much with SPAZ, which was what all these people were. Though the biggest spaz was the Seattle mayor who let it all happen, until CHOP started killing people. Ever since then, other leftists have been encouraged to create their own autonomous zones. Like these geniuses, who claim to have "liberated" 200 ACRES in Colorado. Meet Black Hammer.
Thanks to all of you, Black Hammer has successfully liberated 200 Acres of Land to build our City! FOR COLONIZED PEOPLE ONLY!
We are located high up in the mountains 10,000 feet in the air with RICH soil! We have One Lake and Three Rivers on the land!
This is an incredible milestone and #achievement in anti-colonial revolution and would not have been made possible without the selfless work of every Hammer and every penny donated by poor and working class Colonized people around the world.
There's a good chance this is an elaborate troll job. Tweet a picture of some Zoomers on a hike, set up a Facebook page, and say "Hey, look at us! We're anti-colonizers! Who are ... colonizing." Unfortunately, it has to be taken seriously, since seceding from the United States is the freshest new trend in commie couture. We also have a president who is a sock puppet for the radical left and will sign anything you put in front of him. They'll tell Biden he's signing a resolution to make Bea Arthur's birthday a national holiday. When he really just sold Colorado for $19.95. It's the United States of T'Challa now!
Unclear from this tweet is what "liberating 200 acres" means. It could mean they overthrew the park police with Nerf pistols. Maybe they were camping, got too high to remember where they are, and said "f*ck it, this is our home now." Or maybe they dipped into their trust funds and "liberated" the land with a capitalist financial transaction. Game respect game there. Though it will be fun to watch them try to create a society. Watch one of them declare himself leader. Then watch the others liberate themselves from this guy. None of these autonomous zoners ever appear to be very bright, is what I'm saying.
So much more needs to be known about these anti-colony colonizers. All that is clear right now is that we'll be laughing at them.
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