Sunday, May 9, 2021

Disabled Marine Assaulted, Hospitalized By Armed Antifa Thugs Speaks Out: Where Were the Police?

Disabled Marine Assaulted, Hospitalized By Armed Antifa Thugs Speaks Out: Where Were the Police?
Brodigan - May 09, 2021 at 09:57AM

On Friday, a story broke about armed Antifa thugs assaulting a disabled Marine. The reason the story broke was because of Antifa-sympathizers posting the video on YouTube and bragging about it. We're learning that the man's name is Joe Hall. Hall's a handyman who was driving from a job, something that punks blocking intersections know nothing about. He spoke to the local media, who went with the lower third that Hall claims "he was attacked in the street."

There's a video of him not only being attacked in the street but of the attackers bragging about attacking him in the street. The media also left out the fact that these were Antifa protesters running "security" for another "march." They make it sound like Hall just ran into some randos.

[I've got a] partially collapsed left lung and two lower vertebrae fractured. On top of five broken ribs, a broken collarbone, and head trauma.

All of a sudden, these agitators come out, screaming, pounding on my truck. By this time I have five people surrounding my vehicle [with] AR-15s, AK-47s.

I pulled my .38 out of my right pocket. I pointed it at the ground and told them if a weapon points at me again, I will shoot to eliminate the threat. I was in fear for my life.

I'm done. I'm done working in Portland. I'm shutting my business down, and I'm probably not going to be coming back.

Hall wonders why Portland police didn't intervene, and that's a question that needs to be answered. Because the inmates have been running the city since last year. The police could have been ordered to stand down by a city sympathetic to the leftists destroying it. Cops could have stood down on their own knowing that they'll get no support from the city. People need answers that are difficult to get because it would require leftist politicians to acknowledge Antifa exists. That means pulling their heads out of their rectums.

It's easy to dismiss this as Portland's problem. There's merit to that because the same idiots keep electing the same idiots. But it's only a matter of time before this is a problem for your neighborhood as well.

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from Steven Crowder Says