Wednesday, December 1, 2021

LeBron James Tests Positive for COIVD-19. Yes, Even After Being Fully Vaccinated...

LeBron James Tests Positive for COIVD-19. Yes, Even After Being Fully Vaccinated...
Joseph Gunderson - December 01, 2021 at 08:24AM

LeBron James—lover of all things Chinese, especially slave labor, genocide, and communism—has finally hit the jackpot and caught COVID-19.

Now, there’s little doubt that James will be just fine. At his age, in his health, he’ll take it easy for a while and probably be ready to play basketball again when the NBA protocols have concluded. One imagines he’ll have no more difficult a time with COVID than Aaron Rodgers did. (How about that game two weeks ago, SKOL).

But LeBron is fully vaccinated, poking yet another hole in the vaccine efficacy narrative that continues to be pushed by the government, and in particular, the insufferable, megalomaniacal bureaucrat Anthony Fauci.

After his bout of COVID, LeBron James will be able to go back to doing what he loves. Of course, he'll play his little children's game and get paid handsomely for doing so. All the while, we can expect that he will decry the United States as being systemically racist and scream about alleged racism when there's no evidence whatsoever.

I don't know why LeBron can't be as cool as Enes Kanter, who, if you don't know about him, you should really lookup.

Maybe when he's over the sniffles, James and Kanter can have a debate about the situation in China. James can bring his copy of The Autobiography of Malcolm X and act like he knows things, and Kanter can wipe the floor with him.

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