Friday, December 17, 2021

Watch: Joe Biden Gets Confused How Many Boosters Are Out There, but It's Somewhere Between 57 and 57 Million

Watch: Joe Biden Gets Confused How Many Boosters Are Out There, but It's Somewhere Between 57 and 57 Million
Brodigan - December 17, 2021 at 08:02AM

There are many reasons why Americans may still be hesitant about getting their Fauci Ouchie. Or about getting their third Fauci Ouchie. People feel it hasn't been studied enough and, contrary to what the media says the science says, it hasn't been around long enough to be studied. Some people just don't want to get it. And some see the person obsessed with sticking needles in our arms look like a senile, puddingbrained, old nincompoop and don't have confidence in his leadership. Here's Joe Biden getting confused by numbers.

He's not sure how many booster shots are out there, but it's somewhere in the range of 57 to 57 million.

The most popular president ever needed to be saved by Anthony "I am Literally the Science" Fauci.

Yes, I do realize Joe Biden is old AF and that old AF Americans get confused easily. I don't want them having access to the nuclear codes for that reason. The problem isn't Biden confusing a number associated with a topic with which he is obsessed. The problem is Biden being more often confused than not confused. He's confused by what stage directions are while reading speeches. He confuses the television for the telephone. And he was confused about when to wear a mask for theatre, when not to wear one, and when not to shake someone's hand after he just coughed into it.

If Joe Biden was ONLY confused by how many needles people jabbed their arms with, it would be reassuring. What isn't reassuring is that this was only year one of his presidency, and we don't know if Biden can even count that high without making a mistake.

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