Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Elon Musk Fires His Harshest Shot at Elizabeth Warren Yet AND Has Jordan Peterson Come to His Defense

Elon Musk Fires His Harshest Shot at Elizabeth Warren Yet AND Has Jordan Peterson Come to His Defense
Brodigan - December 21, 2021 at 01:35PM

We must have all been good little boys and girls. Santa Claus delivered the gift of Elon Musk beefin' with Elizabeth Warren. I would have preferred cash, but unlike Elizabeth Warren, I'm not a wrinkled old shrew who demands the government take Musk's money away from him. If Musk was giving out money by his own free will, though, I'd be willing to take some of it.

It all started when Musk was named Time Magazine's Person of the Year, and Elizabeth Warren wouldn't calm down about it. She claimed he was a freeloader, and he called her 'Senator Karen.' She claimed Musk doesn't pay taxes, and Musk showed his tax bill. Joy Reid got involved and yelled PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEEEEE! Now, The Babylon Bee is involved. Here's a preview of what America's favorite based billionaire had to say about Senator Karen.

from Steven Crowder Says