Thursday, December 9, 2021

Watch: White Liberals Write Words on Their Faces to Illustrate Their 'White Privilege'

Watch: White Liberals Write Words on Their Faces to Illustrate Their 'White Privilege'
Brodigan - December 09, 2021 at 09:31AM

If there is one thing that various peoples of color and most of us whites can agree on, it's this. "Woke" white liberal social justice concern is performative at best. It's about actual change for the marginalized community or communities they care about that week. It's about showing off to other white people how much they care. Not enough to change anything in their life, or give up their own comfort in the name of "equity." But they DO care enough to (checks notes) write words on their face with a Sharpie and talk into a camera.

"What do you mean we're lucky to be white? It's not luck, it's privilege. We're lucky that people see us, not a color."

Ackshually, the people this commercial was made for only see your skin color. They think it's racist to judge people by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin. Right away, the messaging is off.

"Privileged that we don't get stared at when we walk into the room. Privileged that we don't get followed by security when we go shopping, or pulled over when we're in the wrong neighborhood."

Privileged that the only people of color you know are stereotypes in TV shows that are written by white people.

"Privileged that society was set up for us. And our silence keeps it in place. We're privileged and that's unfair."

I don't know. But I'll bet you a jar of mayonnaise that everyone in that commercial is also trying to make Latinx a thing.

If nothing else, this video does have a unifying factor. People of all races can point at the people in this video and say, "what idiots." The audience the commercial is meant for--other woke leftist assclowns--are jealous they didn't think of this first. Either that or they think the video is racist because they used black marker.

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