Thursday, December 16, 2021

Watch: Punks Try Robbing Pot Dispensary, Get Fought Off by Clerk Wielding a Bong!

Watch: Punks Try Robbing Pot Dispensary, Get Fought Off by Clerk Wielding a Bong!
Joseph Gunderson - December 16, 2021 at 08:26AM

It’s safe to say that no business, small or large, is safe from the rash of crimes sweeping across the country, mostly in liberal cities. Organized smash and grab robberies have become a popular past-time activity in many areas, and the LAPD have even come out saying they can’t promise anyone’s safety. What are business owners supposed to do?

Well, they can fight. Now, I don’t know if the man in this video is the owner of the business—if he’s not, he definitely deserves a raise—but he’s willing to throw down to keep it safe, regardless. And when a trio of hooded-up douche nozzles come running in to, presumably, rob him blind, the man behind the counter isn’t having it for a second!


If you needed proof of just what kind of gutless pieces of garbage these people are, they outnumber the dude, obviously, and are armed with what looks like a big ol’ can of mace, and they still run away like cowards! It’s too bad this shopkeeper didn’t have a 12ga under the counter because it would have sent a much clearer message. But one can assume this was probably in a liberal city with overbearing gun laws, so I’ll cut him some slack.

Where does one learn to wield a bong like that?

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