Friday, December 17, 2021

BuzzFeed Party Turns into Superspreader Event with Completely Vaccinated and Boosted Crowd

BuzzFeed Party Turns into Superspreader Event with Completely Vaccinated and Boosted Crowd
Joseph Gunderson - December 17, 2021 at 08:40AM

There’s nothing to see here, folks! Or at least that’s what the v*cc*ne Nazis would probably have you believe. Certainly, Twitter will be playing Big Brother and memory-holing this story because it doesn’t follow their community guidelines. Rest assured, though, you can always trust us at Louder with Crowder to tell you what they don’t want you to know.

In this case, the BuzzFeed Holiday party in Manhattan managed to provide the perfect environment to spread COVID. But what is most curious is that everyone at the party was vaccinated, boosted, and had to provide their vaccine cards at the door. Oh, and it gets even worse! Attendees had to wear masks “unless [they were] actively eating or drinking”!

So, we have a gathering of people who were ostensibly following every little rule the government has dictated be followed, and they still managed to spread COVID amongst themselves! If this is the case, why can’t we just go back to our normal lives?

At this point, the vax is available for all who want it. Can we just stop acting like the end of the world is upon us?

Nope! At least not at BuzzFeed.

“BuzzFeed has reportedly strengthened Covid-19 protocols following the party and amid a surge of cases in New York City, including putting a temporary freeze on group meetings over six people, requiring masks in the office until further notice, and freezing all non-essential business travel until the new year.”

And I think this is just how it’s going to go until we get someone new in the White House. COVID has been a boon for those in the government who thirst for power, and those at the top of many companies are more than happy to follow every command.

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