Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Joe Biden's Visiting Tornado Destroyed Kentucky to (Check Notes) Make Sure People Get Their Booster Shots

Joe Biden's Visiting Tornado Destroyed Kentucky to (Check Notes) Make Sure People Get Their Booster Shots
Brodigan - December 14, 2021 at 08:16AM

Tornados ripped through Kentucky. People have lost everything. There are some Americans who are concerned people have food to eat. Joe Biden is concerned that Kentuckians get back to sticking needles in their arms. Our pudding-headed president, who never met a tragedy he didn't want to politicize (other than the Waukesha killer) is heading to the Bluegrass State. His first order of business is making sure clinics are set up for people to get their 'rona booster. Because THAT is what people are concerned about.

Message discipline or his (alleged) dementia-riddle brain can only focus on one thing at a time. You be the judge.

SHORTER JOE BIDEN: Life has to go on. And before people can eat or rebuild their homes, they first need to take their fifth booster shot. Wait, I mean their third booster shot. The fifth booster shot doesn't come until next August.

Shorter Kentucky:

Normal Americans are concerned about being able to afford food and gasoline, rising crime, keeping their small businesses afloat, the crisis on our border, and a host of other things. People in Kentucky have all of those concerns, plus wondering where the roof of their homes might be. Joe Biden and/or the people who control Joe Biden? All vaccines, all the time. The White House needs you concerned about that so that when they tell you the pandemic is over you'll credit Biden for it.

Every time Joe Biden speaks it's a noun, a verb, and a COVID variant.

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