Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Watch: Insufferable Teacher Reads Dr. Seuss Parody About How Much She Hates Parents at a School Board Meeting

Watch: Insufferable Teacher Reads Dr. Seuss Parody About How Much She Hates Parents at a School Board Meeting
Joseph Gunderson - December 21, 2021 at 07:58AM

I’ve never been a huge Dr. Seuss fan. We never read them to my daughter: we read her The Hunger Games books. But what’s worse than trite children’s rhymes tortured into a story are those same types of rhymes used to demean parents who are upset about their children being indoctrinated by ignorant teachers.

Brought to us by the brilliant and hard-working gal over at Libs of Tik Tok, this dope probably thought she was being clever, spending hours scouring rhymezone.com for the perfect words to stick it to those parents, but she comes off as less condescending and more nerdy-try-hard than anything.

I’m sure the only types of books this clod reads are in the Dr. Seuss genre, maybe some young adult tripe like the Twilight books, but that doesn’t mean she needs to subject a room full of adults to it.

She seriously believes herself to be superior to the parents, though. That much is evident. But she isn’t. None of them are. I’m willing to bet this woman teachers small children, and the most complicated thing she has to explain is perhaps how to pronounce the letter “L” which is what this is, a big fat L.

Let this be yet another reminder of the kinds of losers, weirdos, and groomers educating your children in public schools. They don’t like you. They really don’t even like your children. But they like getting paid to infect students with their left-wing radicalism, and they don’t appreciate you encroaching on that prerogative.

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