Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Inspector General: FBI Agents 'Failed to Report' Having Sex with  Prostitutes in Addition to Other Crimes

Inspector General: FBI Agents 'Failed to Report' Having Sex with  Prostitutes in Addition to Other Crimes
Joseph Gunderson - December 15, 2021 at 10:39AM

A recent Officer of Inspector General investigation found that several FBI agents engaged in sex with prostitutes, “failed to report contact or relationships with foreign nationals,” and provided “approximately 100 white pills” of an unknown type to a foreign police officer.

As reported by The Post Millennial, the OIG stated that the “agents ‘lacked candor’ in failing to report their own involvement or their fellow agents’ involvement in soliciting sex with prostitutes.” Last I checked that would be called a lie. A lie of omission is still a lie.

Four of the agents in question had sex with prostitutes, a fifth one tried but failed, and the sixth agent knew all about these activities but failed to notify anyone. All of them are garbage human beings. And what is to be their punishment? Two agents resigned, two were allowed to retire, and one was removed. There is no information as to the disciplinary action taken against the sixth agent.

Why aren’t any of these agents held criminally accountable? Well, because the government alphabet agencies protect their own.

So, while the FBI fuels criminal plots, targets American parents as terrorists, and violates the Constitutionally protected rights of journalists, they will also be allowed to engage in criminal activities abroad. I wouldn’t doubt it if these agents were hanging out with the pedophiles over at the CIA.

These agencies need to be torn down. They cannot be trusted to follow the law or to protect Americans as they were allegedly intended to do.

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