Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Illegal Immigrants Secretly Flown From Texas to Pennsylvania Under Cover of Darkness

Illegal Immigrants Secretly Flown From Texas to Pennsylvania Under Cover of Darkness
Joseph Gunderson - December 29, 2021 at 08:19AM

I think we can all assume Biden is a terrible gift giver. In his first year in office, he gave the American people the highest inflation since Jimmy Carter, a crisis at our southern border, and COVID mandates. He did, however, give the entire country of Afghanistan back to the Taliban and will probably hand Taiwan over to China sometime soon. So, I guess it just depends on who the gift is meant for.

Well, this Christmas, Biden decided to give Scranton, Pennsylvania, a whole bunch of illegal immigrants. From December 11 through December 30, multiple flights carrying hundreds of illegal immigrants—most of which are underage—to Pennsylvania. Many of the flights arrived in the middle of the night, without manifests being provided to the airport.

Congressman Dan Meuser (R-PA) is seeking answers regarding these “ghost flights.”

“The lack of communication and transparency surrounding this process is unacceptable. […] Your agency failed to notify me or any other local officials of these activities, leaving us unable to answer the concerns of constituents in the communities we represent. Pennsylvanians deserve to know about these decisions affecting their community.”

Sadly, I don’t imagine he’ll get any real answers from the mealy-mouthed worms in the Biden Administration. This isn’t the first time Biden’s people have secretly transported illegal immigrants around the country. Back in October, it was New York receiving an early Halloween treat of hundreds of migrants in the dead of night.

I’m sure there are a few people over at the CIA salivating right now, hoping to get their hands on a few of the kids flown in.

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