Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Watch: Kamala Harris Laughs Away How Unlikable She is for Two Minutes Straight

Watch: Kamala Harris Laughs Away How Unlikable She is for Two Minutes Straight
Brodigan - December 15, 2021 at 09:51AM

2021 was a bad year for Kamala Harris. It's been a great year for those of us who hustle content. But if you're Kamala Harris and DIDN'T want to know how much people hate you, 2021 sucked. It sucked almost as much as Kamala sucks at life. All Kamala can do is laugh about it. Which she does. With the phoniest, most cringetastic laugh imaginable. Someone created this medley of Kamala awkwardly laughing.

As you watch, ponder to yourself the following. Does the person who created this dislike Kamala? Or was it a Kamala stan YASSSS SLAY KWEENING the day away because they adore her so much?

At this point, you have to wonder if Kamala's laughter has turned into a nervous tic. Traditionally people laugh at funny things. Like a quality knock-knock joke, a classic episode of "Pinky & The Brain," or a blog post here on the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website. Kamala Harris laughed while discussing the border crisis she failed to get under control, at the Americans her boss left behind in Afghanistan, and as parents struggled their way through the pandemic. Kamala doesn't laugh because she's happy. She laughs because she's tormented inside.

She'll be laughing so hard milk will squirt out her nose in 2022 as she's replaced by Pete Buttigieg. I mean, if rumors are true.

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