Thursday, December 23, 2021

Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel: Five of the Worst Teachers of 2021

Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel: Five of the Worst Teachers of 2021
Joseph Gunderson - December 23, 2021 at 08:49AM

This past year has brought all manner of crazies out of the woodwork. Fauci held in his insane thirst for power until Trump left office, and then he went off the rails. TikTokers and celebrities sang way too many songs about COVID and vaccines. And teachers finally let the cat out of the bag, demonstrating exactly why they shouldn’t be trusted. These are the absolute worst teachers of 2021!

5.) My parents are freaking dumb. You don't have to do everything your parents say. And you don't have to believe what your parents believe. Because most likely, you're smarter than them. ...

Teachers hate parents, and they hate students. I think it has a lot to do with hating themselves, but I’m not going to waste my time attempting to diagnose everything wrong with public school teachers. Needless to say, this woman here is unstable and unfit to be teaching children of any age. She’s pretty much everything you don’t want teaching your kids: she’s political and she has nothing but contempt for parents. Luckily, she was canned and not a moment too soon.

2.) "I have 180 days to turn [students] into revolutionaries. Scare the f*ck out of them."

When teachers aren’t outing themselves as fools or lunatics on TikTok, we can always depend on Project Veritas to pull the mask off and reveal their true, ugly colors. That was the case with our second place teacher, who explicitly states that he is attempting to turn his students into Marxist revolutionaries by scaring the f*ck out of them. He even gives extra credit for attending left-wing protests. Luckily, this radical douche nozzle—who, by the way, looks like some kind of Green Day washout—was fired soon after Project Veritas released the footage and a bunch of concerned parents demanded it.

CA High School Teacher Admits Communist Indoctrination of Students: 'Turn Them into Revolutionaries’

1.) Teenage students perform drag show and give lap dances to teachers.

When teachers aren’t pushing CRT on your kids, when they aren’t trying to make them into little communists, they are drowning them in a sea of LGBTQ propaganda that seeks to confuse them about gender, introduce them to perverse, deviant behaviors, and sexualize them. No event puts this into greater focus than a pep rally at a Kentucky high school, during which the female students dressed in Hooter’s outfits, and the boys dressed in drag, giving lap dances to the faculty and receiving spankings with paddles.

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