Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Watch: Joe Biden Laughs at Reporter's Question About the 800,000 Pandemic Deaths Under Biden's Watch

Watch: Joe Biden Laughs at Reporter's Question About the 800,000 Pandemic Deaths Under Biden's Watch
Brodigan - December 15, 2021 at 12:47PM

The game of "imagine if Trump said it" is implied whenever Joe Biden talks to a reporter. The White House tries everything they can to hide their boss from the press corps. Occasionally, mistakes happen, and a reporter is allowed Biden's attention. This reporter asked a) if Biden is responsible for the 800,000 deaths from the pandemic he said he was going to beat, and b) what's up with China?

Imagine the media reaction if Donald Trump laughed off that reporter and walked away.

In the president's defense, he was rushing off to Kentucky to lecture people who lost everything in a tornado about getting their booster shots. He's a busy man. Though, the laugh is inappropriate nonetheless. Plus, its gimmick infringement against Kamala Harris.

This is the same president who doesn't understand why so many Americans value their freedom over sticking needles in their arms on command. But--and I'm just spitballing here--we were told that if we stuck needles in our arms that it would all be over. And most of us did stick needles in our arms. And the reward for that has been more people dying this year than last year, our government making up new restrictions for us to suffer under, and they want us to blame the few people who haven't stuck needles in their arms or those who aren't rushing to stick needles in the arms of their children. When asked about this, Joe Biden laughs.

The media would have a conniption if Donald Trump acted like this when asked these questions. They'd also hold him accountable for 800,00 dead Americans.

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