Friday, December 10, 2021

Three You May Have Missed: Criminals, Drug Dealers, and Jordan Peterson

Three You May Have Missed: Criminals, Drug Dealers, and Jordan Peterson
Brodigan - December 10, 2021 at 07:35AM

We get it. Y'all have lives. You can't possibly be expected to catch all of the content we throw at you weekly. Here are three posts you may have missed that we feel deserve a second chance.

Crime is so bad in the Bay Area, the owner of a pot dispensary felt safer when he was selling drugs illegally.

I'll be honest. When they made the sticky-icky-icky legal, I thought it was going to be the crusty old hippies upset. Pot was about to get a lot more expensive once the government got its claws in it. A dime bag would become $18.95 with taxes and fees. Alphonso turned his life around. Got off the streets. Worked his ass off to go legit and open his own business. Yet now, because of who leftist politicians are, he is more concerned for his safety running his store than when he himself was doing something illegal.

Because New York City is New York City, a vagrant is back on the street after assaulting two women.

This week, Johnson assaulted a woman, leaving what the NY Post refers to as a “disfiguring laceration” to her face. Three minutes later, he assaulted a second woman. Both women needed to be taken to the hospital. But Johnson was released under "supervised monitoring" because he didn't assault either woman enough to be held on bail.

And Jordan Peterson warned us about 2021 years ago.

"Things get to terrible places one tiny step at a time. If I encroach on you, and I'm sophisticated about it [...] I'm going to encroach right to the point where you start to protest. Then I'm going to stop. Then I'm going to wait. Then you're going to calm down. Then I'm going to encroach again, right to the point where you protest. Then I'm going to stop. Then I'm going to wait. And I'm just going to do that forever. And before you know it, you're going to be back three miles from where you started, and you'll have done it one step at a time. And then you'll go 'oh, how did I get here?' And the answer was 'well, I pushed you a little farther than you should have gone and you agreed.'"

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from Steven Crowder Says