Monday, December 13, 2021

Joe Biden: Don't Blame Me, Blame  Conspiracy Obsessed MAGA-Americans for Everything I Do Wrong

Joe Biden: Don't Blame Me, Blame  Conspiracy Obsessed MAGA-Americans for Everything I Do Wrong
Brodigan - December 13, 2021 at 09:45AM

Politicians never take responsibility for things that go bad. When things are as bad as they are for Joe Biden and poll after poll after poll shows how much the American people think you suck at life, you need to get creative with your excuses. Joe Biden can't even do that right. Jimmy Fallon asked out pudding-headed president about everything that is going wrong. Biden's excuse? Trump, Trump supports, and the letter that comes between "P" and "R."

Crowder Convinces Liberal: Hate Speech Isn't Real | Crowder Classics

from Steven Crowder Says