Monday, December 27, 2021

Teachers’ Union President Criticizes Anti-CRT Advocates: ‘Thankfully, We Have the White House...’

Teachers’ Union President Criticizes Anti-CRT Advocates: ‘Thankfully, We Have the White House...’
Joseph Gunderson - December 27, 2021 at 08:28AM

What makes the public school system the absolute worst? Is it the lack of standards? Yes. Is it the sexual grooming of our children? Yes. Is it teaching our children to hate themselves or each other due to the color of their skin? Yes. But at the top of this heaping pile of sh*t are the teachers’ unions, protecting the teachers who abuse and indoctrinate your children. And at the tippy top of the mountain of excrement is Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT).

from Steven Crowder Says