Monday, December 13, 2021

Watch: Joe Biden Defends Reckless Afghan Withdrawal Where 13 Troops Were Killed, Claims No Other Way Out

Watch: Joe Biden Defends Reckless Afghan Withdrawal Where 13 Troops Were Killed, Claims No Other Way Out
Brodigan - December 13, 2021 at 12:17PM

Afghanistan has been the one thing Joe Biden screwed up the most (so far). The White House was hoping people would forget about it by the end of summer. Instead, it just helped Americans see how incompetent Biden is in all other areas. Also, thirteen service members were killed. That's a point to hold on to as you hear Biden tell CBS This Morning there was no way out without people getting hurt.

"For example, Afghanistan--well, I've been against that war in Afghanistan from the very beginning."

Biden supported the unanimous resolution in 2001. He didn't start speaking out against it until he started to run for president in 2008 and every other Democrat did. Interesting side note. Joe Biden circa 2007 predicted that if you pulled out of Afghanistan the way 2021 Joe Biden did, you would get the exact disastrous result that 2021 Joe Biden got. Fourteen years of his brain slowly turning to tapioca maybe have caused 2021 Biden to forget that.

“Everybody says, ‘you could’ve gotten out without anybody being hurt.’ No one's come up with a way to indicate to me how that happens.”

By NOT pulling out in a way that caused chaos in an already chaotic situation? By showing any leadership skills whatsoever? By not having to be dragged back to the White House from vacation, kicking and screaming about owing the American people an explanation?

But don't just take my word for it.

I'm not a military expert. The people who ARE experts told Joe Biden not to do what they did. They told him to keep troops in Afghanistan, or what happened would happen. There were people who advised Joe Biden on what to do. He didn't. Biden ignored those leaders.

As far as "people get hurt?" Thirteen service members were KILLED. Biden may have forgotten that detail or the fact that the parents of our fallen heroes gave him an earful about holding him responsible. If Joe Biden doesn't want to admit he screwed up, it would be better if he just didn't talk.

from Steven Crowder Says