Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Watch: Nancy Pelosi Gets Shut Down with Loud 'Let's Go, Brandon' Chant in (check notes) San Francisco?

Watch: Nancy Pelosi Gets Shut Down with Loud 'Let's Go, Brandon' Chant in (check notes) San Francisco?
Brodigan - December 21, 2021 at 07:51AM

Every so often, Nancy Pelosi gets a reminder of why she avoids going out in public. On Monday, they swept the poop and needles off the streets so her worshipfulness could give a press conference. Pelosi wanted praise for getting taxpayer money to pay for filling a pothole or something. Pelosi was expecting a round of "HUZZAHS" and children throwing rose petals at her feet. Instead, the old broad was interrupted by a "Let's Go, Brandon" chant. Even more offensive to Pelosi was the "USA!" chant.

Was it just one dude? Sure. Nancy is the congresshag from San Francisco. I'm the congressman from South Pettyville. We all have our jobs to do.

"Let's Go, Brandon" is the family-friendly version of "F*ck Joe Biden." If you don't understand where either of those chants come from, it would cause me to doubt your commitment to the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website.

One wouldn't assume to hear an anti-Biden (and by default, anti-Pelosi) chant in San Francisco. Sure, crime is rampant to the point shoplifting is basically legal. But while the city is pro-criminal, your five-year-old needs to have their Fauci Ouchie in order to be out in public with you. In normal America, those are all bad things. I had always assumed San Francisco was happy with their city since they keep voting for the same liberal policies and the same liberal "leaders." Leaders like Nancy Pelosi, who don't understand where all this crime is coming from.

It's one dude chanting "Let's Go, Brandon" in San Francisco today. Tomorrow it will be... probably zero dudes. Pelosi probably had this guy swept off to a reeducation camp.

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