Monday, December 20, 2021

Watch: Monty Python Predicts 2021's Absurd Wokeness Decades Ago With Sketch About Men Having Babies

Watch: Monty Python Predicts 2021's Absurd Wokeness Decades Ago With Sketch About Men Having Babies
Brodigan - December 20, 2021 at 07:18AM

All this time I thought the cast of Monty Python was open-minded and tolerant. Heck, one of them was even gay (RIP Graham Chapman). But in retrospect, they were just another group of cis-white transphobic bigots. How else can you explain this problematic clip from 1979's The Life of Brian? One where a "man" wants to have a "baby," even though he doesn't have a "womb?"

from Steven Crowder Says