Sunday, December 12, 2021

Watch: Socialist Former Army Officer Running for Congress  Performs Anti-War Burlesque Show

Watch: Socialist Former Army Officer Running for Congress  Performs Anti-War Burlesque Show
Joseph Gunderson - December 12, 2021 at 08:04AM

If anyone ever starts a conversation with “as a veteran” or something along those lines, just walk away. If there’s one thing the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle and General Milley promoting anti-racist reading materials should have taught everyone, it’s that the military has just as many spineless, ignorant leftists as the civilian world. And, from stage left, enters Brittany Ramos DeBarros!

DeBarros formerly served as a captain in the United States Army and is currently running to replace GOP Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis in Staten Island, performed in an anti-war burlesque show, performing under the name “Captain Unbecoming.” Here's a link to the Instagram video that may not be up for long.

She’s a self-professed socialist who was once nearly bounced out of the army with a court-martial for “’posting facts’ about the war while still in uniform.”

“I was a captain in the army. I was deployed to Afghanistan. I was like, ‘This is bulls—t.”

She’s now “committed to ‘anti-war, anti-imperialist [and] anti-racist work.”

DeBarros sounds like a woman after General Milley’s own heart. I’m actually a little surprised he didn’t keep her in the army and make her a general. She would’ve fit right in. But Milley didn’t keep her, and now, she’s just another member of the woke-tarded left pushing the same radical ideologies we’ve come to know and hate.

I will say this, however. If leftism wasn’t already unpalatable, DeBarros does herself no favors in also assaulting our eyes by stripping down and gyrating on a stage. I blame Lizzo for promoting this gross “body positivity” movement.

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