Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Aaron Rodgers Discount Double Checks His Haters, Tells Them 'Science You Can't Question Is Propaganda'

Aaron Rodgers Discount Double Checks His Haters, Tells Them 'Science You Can't Question Is Propaganda'
Brodigan - December 29, 2021 at 07:34AM

At this point, it's a coin toss who hates Aaron Rodgers more: rivals fans in the NFC North, or the unholy alliance of liberals and the media who demand you live in fear and never question what they call "the science." As Rogers--who, no, is not a doctor--says in this clip, when you tell people they can't ever question science, it stops being science and starts being something more sinister.

He shared his thoughts with Pat McAfee, one of the few things still entertaining about the WWE.

“If science can’t be questioned, it’s not science anymore. It’s propaganda. That’s the truth.”

"When did science become this blind agreement and then not having any debate over what can actually heal people and work for people. That makes no sense to me."

I'd argue it makes no sense to anyone who isn't a leftist dick-nose. Unfortunately, those leftist dick-noses make up a majority of the media and the Big Tech platforms that push the propaganda.

Rodgers made national news this year when he popped positive for the 'rona, and it was discovered when he said he was "immunized" he didn't mean he got his Fauci Ouchie. The media and the left got outraged. They got double-coverage outraged when Rodgers said he called Joe Rogan for medical advice. They then got--I don't know, some other football reference--outraged when Rogan's advice worked. Rodgers made a speedy recovery and led the Green Bay Packers to another division title.

As for any validity behind Rodgers' comparison between "the science" and propaganda, the CDC has always been considered the recognized leader in "the science." Until yesterday, when the CDC cut its COVID quarantine guidelines in half for non-"the science" reasons. Now, the panic porn-addicted leftists who claimed you can't question the CDC are questioning the CDC. This means the people at the CDC are no longer the experts. The people attacking the CDC from the left are the experts.

So... yes. Aaron Rodgers is right.

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