Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Best of 2021: Our Favorite Unsung Everyday Heroes, Legends, and Patriots Who Just 'Don't Give a F***'

Best of 2021: Our Favorite Unsung Everyday Heroes, Legends, and Patriots Who Just 'Don't Give a F***'
Brodigan - December 29, 2021 at 09:10AM

We spent a lot of time mocking in 2021, mocking Joe Biden and warning people about Australia. But some of our favorite posts, as well as some of yours, involved random people (and in one case, dogs) who happened to be caught on video being based when they didn't think anyone was looking. The word hero gets thrown around a lot today. And while these legends, heroes, and patriots aren't nurses or public school union members, we at the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website still feel they deserve acknowledgment.

Like the first anonymous dudebro who decided to chant "F*ck Joe Biden" at a football game. No one knows who this king was. But the first known FJB video was from South Carolina. So, it's someone in this crowd.

Everyone wishes they could curse off CNN. When Andrew "Dice" MAGA here had his shot, he didn't miss. To add to the enjoyment, this video was shared by the CNN reporter who didn't think he was the a**hole here.

Sometimes heroes come on four legs. Way too many authority figures claimed they were "just following orders" while enforcing insane lockdown restrictions. But not these police dogs. One day, they decided enough was enough and they turned on their oppressors. These are good boys. These are very good boys.

This magnificent guy is a personal favorite of mine. He woke up one day and decided to walk up and down the aisle of a big box store, singing into a megaphone about where they can stick their mandates. I'm laughing just thinking about it.

Finally, there's Don Sucher. Don owns a Star Wars memorabilia shop in a non-commie part of Washington. Sucher found himself going viral when a councilwoman harassed him at work because she didn't like a sign in the window. Sucher liked his freedom of speech more: "But here's the thing, I don't give a f*** about feelings anymore. I'm seventy-g*d d*mn-eight. I went to Vietnam to fight for all this sh*t. Do you think I care about some a**hole's feelings? Absolutely not." I self-identify as Don's grandson.

Thank you to not only these heroes, but to all others throughout the world who acted as based legends without someone capturing it on their smartphone. We know you're out there. We acknowledge you. We thank you.

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