Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Wow: Health Official Admits to Misleading Child Hospitalization Rate in Order to Terrify Parents

Wow: Health Official Admits to Misleading Child Hospitalization Rate in Order to Terrify Parents
Brodigan - December 29, 2021 at 09:06AM

If you were to scroll Twitter right now, you'll find blue checkmarks attacking Pat McAfee for allowing Aaron Rodgers to spread "misinformation" on his podcast. The misinformation in question was Rodgers sharing an opinion. Rodgers is a QB. McAfee is a podcaster. Okay? Okay.

Dr. Mary T. Bassett, M.D., M.P.H. is the acting health commissioner of New York. There was a shocking story about child hospitalization rates in NYC. So shocking, it turned out to be misinformation. According to Dr. Mary T. Bassett, M.D., M.P.H. the acting health commissioner of New York, there was a reason for that.

"The numbers we gave on pediatric admissions weren't intended to make it seem that children were having an epidemic of infection. These were small numbers that we reported in our health alert. That was based on 50 hospitalizations, and I have now given you some larger numbers. But there are still small numbers. It really is to motivate pediatricians and families to seek the protection of vaccination."

The lead health official put out misleading statistics to scare parents into sticking their kids with needles. Anthony Fauci admits that domestic travel mandates aren't for science reasons, but for forcing adults to stick themselves with a needle. Joe Biden promotes federal mandates, then tells Governors there isn't a federal solution, then says he would support a federal domestic travel mandate if his unelected health officials told him to. And the CDC woke up one morning and decided the science said to cut quarantine guidelines in half, causing the left to no longer view the CDC as the science.

But, yeah. It's the fault of a quarterback and a podcaster that there is so much misinformation.

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