Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Watch: Hardcore Little Kid Threatens to Punch Santa's Beard Off for Putting Him on the Naughty List

Watch: Hardcore Little Kid Threatens to Punch Santa's Beard Off for Putting Him on the Naughty List
Brodigan - December 22, 2021 at 09:19AM

Our parents used Santa Claus to keep us in line during the holidays. If we acted up, we were told Santa put us on the naughty list and that we weren't getting any presents. The payoff was that as we got older, we were allowed to then torture our kids in the same way. Or you're someone like Uncle Brodigan who, when his nieces and nephew are told Santa thinks they're bad, calls Santa himself and says it's all Fake News.

This little kid was NOT having it when he was told he's on the naughty list. And then he issued threats. I'm fairly certain this is not a new video. But it's the first I've seen it, and I can't stop laughing.

"Father Christmas is not being very nice to me."

Father Christmas is the UK's version of Santa, in case you couldn't tell by the accents. Which, as an aside, and since it's Wednesday and I know what that means, Chris Jericho has a killer cover of Father Christmas.

The conversation continued, at which point Lil' Badass Jones was informed that Father Christmas said he's on the naughty list. This is where the kid loses it.

"Then I will do an uppercut to him. I'll punch him. I'll punch his beard off. Trust me. I'm not on the bad list."

Santa's around the world have shown they can be hardcore themselves. In recent history, we've seen Santa take down car thieves and bust up illegal drug rings. I'd steer clear of this kid, though. Just give him whatever he asked for, then move on to the next house.

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