Friday, December 17, 2021

'Make Up Your Damn Mind!': Baker Mayfield Calls Out the NFL's Nonsensical COVID Protocols

'Make Up Your Damn Mind!': Baker Mayfield Calls Out the NFL's Nonsensical COVID Protocols
Joseph Gunderson - December 17, 2021 at 09:10AM

As the Browns look to play this week with a team crippled by the NFL’s COVID protocols, Browns quarterback Baker Mayfield has had just about enough.

COVID protocols have ravaged teams throughout the season—one might remember that Aaron Rodgers had to sit out a week not long ago after testing positive for COVID—but going into week 15 against the Raiders, the Browns are feeling the pain a bit more than most. Both Mayfield and the second-string quarterback, Case Keenum (of Minneapolis Miracle fame, SKOL), are out at present, leaving the game to the third string, which is never a good place to be.

In all, the Browns boast a list of 17 players sidelined over COVID-19. And from the sounds of Mayfield’s critique, many of the players currently out for COVID aren’t symptomatic.

The Cleveland Browns currently sit 2nd in the AFC North Division at 7-6. Maybe someone just wants them to lose. Who knows? Nothing the NFL has done as it relates to COVID makes much sense.

The attitudes surrounding various COVID-19 mandates from on high have begun to shit throughout the country and around the world, with many finally putting their feet down. When will everything start to get back to normal? Probably when more people have had enough.

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