Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Watch: Joe Biden, President of the United States, Doesn't Understand Why Americans Value Their Freedom

Watch: Joe Biden, President of the United States, Doesn't Understand Why Americans Value Their Freedom
Brodigan - December 15, 2021 at 08:13AM

We've been telling you since the beginning of the summer to pay attention to Australia, and comments like the one made by this assclown are the reason why. What Joe Biden says here is the attitude the "leaders" in Australia have. The difference is, people in Australia allowed their leaders to act on this attitude. Even if they didn't, Aussies don't have the rights to prevent it. Americans have those rights. For now. What Joe Biden says here is that he wishes we didn't.

Everybody talks about "freedom" and not to have a shot or have a test. Well guess what? How about patriotism? How about making sure that you're vaccinated so that you do not spread the disease to anybody else. What about that? What's the big deal?

What's the big deal about the federal government forcing you into making medical decisions? And punishing you if you don't by taking away your livelihood and treating you like a second-class citizen?

This isn't about the vaccine. This is about what Americans were told about the vaccine, then told another thing, then told that you need more vaccines. This is about the definition of "vaccine" being changed. This is about all the leaders who share the (D-State) after their names, like Joe Biden, using the fear surrounding the vaccine to continue anti-science restrictions, all because those "leaders" now know how far they can push Americans.

I made the decision to get the shot. I'm not afraid of people who made the decision not to. I'm afraid of the power Joe Biden and the people who control Joe Biden now think they have. You can replace the word "vaccine" with just about anything. The people who control Biden most certainly will.

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