Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Ron DeSantis Unleashed: If Voters Value Freedom, Democrats Need to Be 'Punished at the Ballot Box'

Ron DeSantis Unleashed: If Voters Value Freedom, Democrats Need to Be 'Punished at the Ballot Box'
Brodigan - December 14, 2021 at 09:53AM

NY Governor Kathy Hochul put the state back into a mask mandate. Or, a vax mandate. Or, a mask/vax mandate hybrid. It's all confusing. When NYers didn't throw rose petals at her feet, she decided that SHE wasn't going to enforce it. She was going to make the counties and businesses enforce it. Except some counties said they won't, and the businesses are both confused and still recovering from the last mandate. But hey, this is what New York voted for, right? Same with California. Blue states keep reelecting the same idiotic Democrat leadership. America's Governor Ron DeSantis says if you value your freedom or any freedom, you need to stop doing that.

Give me this message, only spread throughout fifty states in 2022.

"And the fact that this is still going on in these blue states, and may even intensify over the coming weeks and months, it just shows you if you value your freedom in 2022, if you’re in those states, you need to make your voice heard, and you got to do a change of direction because I fear that they’re going to continue to do this until they suffer at the ballot box."

We saw what happened over that past, as DeSantis says, 700 days plus fifteen days to flatten the curve. Give leaders an inch of power they don't already have, and they'll never let it go. It's worse in liberal cities. It's worst in states like New York and California, where there are so many low information voters in those liberal cities that they dictate to the rest of the state. People get what they vote for. If they want something different, they have to--get this--vote for someone different.

I'd like to think that after 700+15 days voters would be fed up enough to stop voting for the same failed leaders. I'm also cynical and have lived in one of those blue states for too long. And Florida seems like paradise.

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from Steven Crowder Says