Monday, December 27, 2021

Fauci 'Welcomes' Vaccine Mandates for Flying, Not for Science Reasons, but for Forcing Compliance Reasons

Fauci 'Welcomes' Vaccine Mandates for Flying, Not for Science Reasons, but for Forcing Compliance Reasons
Brodigan - December 27, 2021 at 08:25AM

Forcing Americans to get their Fauci Ouchies in order to fly domestic is the new way for leftists to signal their virtue. Rep. Eric Swalwell took a break from banging communist spies to say vaccine mandates for flights "is the LEAST we can do." Sen. Diane Feinstein called on the CDC and the FAA to "start requiring proof of vaccination," which was surprising to hear her say because I forgot she was still alive. The question is what Anthony "I am the Science" Fauci thinks. Unsurprisingly, Fauci is all amount mandates for flying.

Not for science reasons, of course. But Fauci's nipples get pointy over anything that forces you to give up making your own decisions and doing what Fauci tells you to do.

"With regard to the spread of virus in the country, I think if you look at wearing a mask and the filtration on planes, things are reasonably safe."

Got it. It is safe to fly without worrying about catching a variant. According to Anthony "I Am the Science" Fauci, a certified-fresh expert in the federal government. Now, let's circle back to what the "goal" is in forcing vaccine mandates.

"A vaccine requirement for a person getting on the plane is just another level of getting people to have a mechanism that would spur them to get vaccinated. Namely, you can't get on a plane unless you're vaccinated, which is just another one of the ways of getting requirements. [...] Anything that could get people more vaccinated would be welcome."

This sums up Anthony Fauci quite splendidly. Don't do things for health reasons. Do things because, as long as Americans stay scared and in a pandemic, cable news will keep putting Anthony Fauci on camera so he can tell us what rights we do or don't have that week.

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