Monday, December 27, 2021

Homeless Man Attacks People With Homemade Flamethrower Because That's What Los Angeles Has Turned Into

Homeless Man Attacks People With Homemade Flamethrower Because That's What Los Angeles Has Turned Into
Brodigan - December 27, 2021 at 09:07AM

Crime in Los Angeles has gotten bad. It's gotten so bad, the LAPD is telling people not to visit Los Angeles because they can't help them. Case in point: one afternoon you are riding a train when a transient-American shows up to perform an unsolicited demonstration of his homemade flamethrower.

Normal viral video disclaimers apply. Though, what context could be added to a homeless man trying to set people on fire is unknown at this time.

"Homemade flamethrower" is a snarky way of saying he squirted a disposal lighter with hairspray. What's funny here is the homeless man will likely face harsher consequences for having an aerosol can than for trying to BBQ innocent people. Such is life on the left coast.

It's unknown what pro-crime liberal policies that liberal cities like Los Angeles have become known for may have led to this incident. In New York City, transient-Americans can assault you up to a medium amount of assault and be back on the streets because holding criminals for bail is no longer considered "equity."

Upon arrest, the Human Torch here was most likely released right away providing he agreed to come back for a psych evaluation. And maybe the agreement he would never attempt to set anyone on fire again. Or he was sent to a reeducation camp for using aerosol. Again, we're talking about Los Angeles. It could go either way.

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