Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Watch: NBC News's Lester Holt Wants Surgeon General to Scare Americans Into Locking Down Over Omicron

Watch: NBC News's Lester Holt Wants Surgeon General to Scare Americans Into Locking Down Over Omicron
Brodigan - December 22, 2021 at 08:31AM

The media demands we "trust" the experts. For the sake of this post, the expert is Surgeon General Vivek Murthy. He appeared with Lester Holt on NBC News. Yes, the same NBC News that settled out of court with Nicholas Sandmann.

Murthy tried telling Lester Holt that so far, the Omicron has been mild and there is no need for panic. Holt tried asking the Surgeon General--aka "the expert"--in a number of different ways, "ackshually, are you sure you don't want people to panic?"

"Do you fear that people will take [the Surgeon General not scaring people enough] as a license to go forward with their life knowing that they are infected?"

"We're seeing some cities take measures to protect their populations from this particular variant, but nothing in the way of lockdowns. As a health professional, someone who’s committed to protecting the health of the American people, would you recommend that we self-lockdown, that we begin to change our lifestyle and dial back on all fronts?"

Side note: This is also the same NBC News that blames Joe Biden's low poll numbers on mainstream media outlets... like NBC News. The Biden Administration doesn't want people to think there are going to be more lockdowns. Lester Holt has a member of the administration on and tries to get the Surgeon General to call for more lockdowns. Then, when the American people are afraid there are going to be more lockdowns, NBC News will claim it's Fox News lying to Americans that there are going to be more lockdowns.

Media outlets need to make up for lost ad revenues now that they don't have Donald Trump to drive their ratings. If we let ourselves get locked down again, we'd be forced to watch the news to find out if we're allowed out of our houses.

The media wants you to stay living in fear. Don't.

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