Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Rep. Matt Gaetz Introduces Bill to Export Florida's 'Stand Your Ground' Law to ALL of America

Rep. Matt Gaetz Introduces Bill to Export Florida's 'Stand Your Ground' Law to ALL of America
Joseph Gunderson - December 15, 2021 at 08:35AM

In the wake of the Rittenhouse trial, a case that found young Kyle Rittenhouse fighting for his freedom after doing nothing more than defending himself against three assailants last year, a debate began over the right to defend oneself. The left was obviously upset and argued that Rittenhouse had just gotten away with murder. The right, not so much. And now Representative Matt Gaetz wants to ensure there’s never a question about it again.

From the Post Millennial, the National Stand Your Ground Act “will codify Florida’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ law at the federal level, abolishing the duty of retreat when attacked.”

[E]very American has the right to defend their life from an attacker. If someone tries to keel you, you should have the right to return fire and preserve your life. Let’s reaffirm in law what exists in our Constitution and in the hearts of our fellow Americans.”

Of course, I think this is a great idea. There are instances of self-defense almost every day, many of which we celebrate here at Louder with Crowder Dot Com. Few things are better than when a good guy wrecks the bad guy. It warms my heart.

Can we also remove some of those idiotic Second Amendment-infringing gun laws, too? That’d be perfect.

from Steven Crowder Says