Saturday, December 18, 2021

Health Inspector Refuses to Show HIS OWN Vaccine Card While Checking for Others at a Bar

Health Inspector Refuses to Show HIS OWN Vaccine Card While Checking for Others at a Bar
Joseph Gunderson - December 18, 2021 at 08:18AM

The government is full of hypocrites. Well, it’s probably not so much that they’re hypocrites but that they know COVID isn’t worth the fear-mongering, but they really enjoy putting the authoritarian squeeze on we plebians. I mean, how many times has Biden been caught maskless around people? It’s been a few times.

So when some lowly New York Department of Public Health inspector decides that she’s above the rules, it should come as no surprise. She’s part of the special people—the government people. She is above the rules, and you just need to shut up and realize that, prole.

While out supposedly conducting checks for COVID mandate compliance, an inspector was asked to show proof of vaccination before entering an establishment. The manager of Big Nose Kate’s Saloon and Eatery Maggie Koronilian said the inspector refused.

Inspector – I’m here to do a COVID inspection.

Koronilian – Yeah, that’s cool, but you have to follow the rules, too.

Inspector – Rules? What rules?

Koronilian - *Points to posted placard*

Inspector – Oh, those rules. Yeah, those are for you not-special people. See, I’m a special people. Look, I have this little badge and everything.

Koronilian didn’t allow the inspector into the bar.

“As she’s looking through the paperwork, I just looked at her and said, ‘You know, you’re not above the [mandate].’”

I imagine the inspector chuckled a bit. Of course, the people in our governments—state and federal—are above the mandates they cram down on all of us. Gavin Newsom goes to parties, Nancy Pelosi gets her hair done, and Gretchen Whitmer takes trips to Florida. They are the special people. You’re not.

When do people start telling these petty tyrants to shove it? Hopefully sooner rather than later.

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